Example sentences of "how [pron] had been " in BNC.

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1 He could only see how I had been , not how I was .
2 She could not have known how very distressing I had found the parting of mother and child ; how I had been almost haunted by the memory of that day , of the poignancy of a mother kissing her baby goodbye .
3 I blurted out to Dominic how I had been feeling and to my astonishment and relief he said he felt the same — trapped and resentful . ’
4 I told him again how I had been reinforced in my belief that , whereas Germany seemed intent on war , Italy , while verbally identifying herself with the Axis , would clutch at any straw to evade participation , and that our policy should be to keep her out of it with every means in our power .
5 He could n't understand how I had been married and been in the bloody Air Force and yet did n't know .
6 That was how she had been brought up .
7 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
8 That was how she had been known as a child when people had contrasted her with her sister Paula .
9 Despite describing a happy childhood , she told her therapist about how she had been brought up in a family where she felt unappreciated and undervalued .
10 They named their eldest son Benjamin , after his maternal grandfather , and she would tell the young lad when he grew up of how she had been taught piano and organ by Benjamin James her father , there in that big house in Curry Rivel where they used to hang hams or sides of bacon in the huge chimney piece .
11 Amelia McLean described how she had been " waylaid … on [ her ] way home for dinner " by Mr Evans of the W. and C.U. , who " after calling her … everything but a lady , had said she was the most unsympathetic woman in Edinburgh " .
12 Now , when Beth smiled knowingly , the girl saw how she had been manipulated , and soon the two of them were laughing .
13 The door of the bookcase was open but there were no other signs of how she had been engaged .
14 She shouted at those waiting about how she had been unjustly treated .
15 Pauline , the highlight of whose round was the eagle with which she followed a wind-tossed triple-bogey at the 12th , brought news of how she had been attacked by a couple of bitches .
16 What haunted her was the way he had kissed her — and how she had been unable to do anything but respond !
17 The doting grandmother smiled and chatted about how easily the little boy had accepted her , about how she had been worried he might shy away , but how he had gone straight to her .
18 We wondered how we had been chosen .
19 Suffolk was the only link and he could remember quite distinctly , on first going to Nunes , how there had been some dispute as to whether it was in Suffolk or Essex .
20 It described how there had been a fifty percent increase in food poisoning cases in district year and then it went on to say that it , it was largely , it was thought that that increase was largely because of the increased publicity which the council had been given hygiene training , and saying how many people had been trained , and how the Health Committee was being asked to provide more resources so there could more courses even , even more courses in the following year .
21 This led the group to recall , towards the end of the meeting , how they , too , had got nowhere with work-refusing children while they constantly demanded better work from them ( thus identifying with Mr E as having known failure instead of contrasting their own better results with his , as they had done earlier ) but how they had been able to help them when they had worked on the relationship .
22 Leitzig pointed to the rows of steel containers submerged in the water , and described how they had been transported to the plant in 100 tonne flasks with walls fourteen inches thick .
23 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
24 Tongues solicitously tutted over the black band still stitched to Melanie 's sleeve for they all ( as they would have in the village ) knew of the children 's arrival and how they had been orphaned .
25 Finally they told me where they had been and how they had been ushered into a sort of waiting room by the proprietress , who had endeavoured to make them feel at ease by offering them marrons glacés .
26 Assets were sold not to be reinvested in mobile assets or to provide better services , but simply to take profits out of the company without regard to how they had been earned .
27 At first she did not , then she remembered Oliver 's parting words to Tim in the rue du Bateau and understood how they had been interpreted .
28 What strikes him of a sudden , as he remembers this experience , is how it had been foreseen and marmoreally recorded by Virgil : as Virgil 's Aeneas left doomed Troy , carrying his household and ancestral gods , so Pound leaves the doomed Rome of fascist Italy , carrying in his haversack his gods — books by Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and T. E. Hulme and Percy Wyndham Lewis .
29 ‘ When I was allowed to go West again after 20 years , two years ago , I could n't believe how it had been transformed .
30 He loved to tell stories of how he had given advice , how it had been disregarded , and how he had been proved right .
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