Example sentences of "how [pron] [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I thought I 'd like to see how I looked teaching rather than how I thought I looked .
2 I could either meet him near there or he 'd have me picked up as a material witness and see how I enjoyed sharing a cell with Jack Scamp .
3 And then , ‘ God , how I hate talking this way . ’
4 Have you any idea , woman , how I felt waiting and watching for your taxi to turn into the drive from a window upstairs ? ’
5 I thought it funny how I kept seeing dead cows but no live ones .
6 Do n't ask me how I kept going for so long , but it took a superhuman effort .
7 This was a rejection of Arnold 's view that the change from ‘ childhood to manhood … ought to be hastened ’ in favour of that expressed by Warden Sewell of Radley College : ‘ How I dread mannikizing a boy …
8 PRINCESS Diana has revealed the secret of how she keeps smiling despite the break-up of her marriage to Prince Charles .
9 Not that he had n't told her the story of his sainted sister Eileen , and how she died giving birth to her child .
10 How she hated calling him that , not just because she had an American 's disdain for such outdated nonsense but because Nicolo obviously relished the title .
11 How she hated sleeping in his arms !
12 Yeah fair enough if , if that 's erm you know how you fancy starting .
13 Well you start going for the paper and seeing how you like walking right under the !
14 It tells you what you want to avoid but not how you intend doing it .
15 I wish to run up to the window of the Mercedes and shout at the general sitting there : Wake up , you fat bastard , ca n't you see how you look parading in this cemetery , like some overstuffed SS officer in Birkenau ?
16 I would like to have heard how your groups are developing and hopefully growing , and how you liked living in Paisley .
17 When linguists talk of the goal of linguistic theory as being the construction of an account of a sound-meaning correspondence for the infinite set of sentences in any language , one might perhaps infer that such a grand theory would eo ipso give an account of at least the essentials of how we communicate using language .
18 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
19 Yes , I know how we got talking to this girl in the Post Office cos I erm I asked her for some stamps as well , you see , I wanted some cos I happen to be sending stuff of for Germany tomorrow .
20 Even I was amazed at how we kept going , especially towards the end .
21 Now on that point , for access someone now needs to pick up and write effectively a simple this is how we project planning on access .
22 It tells how they returned bearing a huge bunch of grapes , and with reports of a land ‘ flowing with milk and honey ’ , just as God had promised .
23 Police eyebrows were raised when they described how they prayed sitting quietly in a circle .
24 You know how they like crusading for the cause of the underdog . ’
25 THE FIRST thing you notice about The Wishplants is how they make performing on stage look so good and so damn easy .
26 But might duty also disrupts family life , appetite , and sleeping patterns , and policewomen particularly complain of its effect on their roles as mother and housewife , although some policemen also talk sadly of how they miss seeing their children when on nights .
27 It was the sort of goal that Giorgio Chinaglia — the Welsh-born centre-forward of the 1970s who became a great Lazio and national team hero — was famed for scoring , and how they loved seeing their new idol produce some of the same .
28 That 's how they do dredging now .
29 To encourage LEAs to accelerate the reduction of places the DES issued another circular in 1981 ( DES , 1981 ) which asked the LEAs to inform the DES how they intended reducing the number of places available .
30 So when Esquire ask for their 2,000 words next month about the connection between the Croatian Winter Olympics team uniform and Public Enemy , or the brutal point of Michael Barrymore , I can somehow contrive it that I end up writing about how it feels waiting for Maddy 's first smile , about the wonder of her 35th day , about her growing up and me growing up .
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