Example sentences of "how [verb] we know " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And what we know how to do we know how to do well . ’
2 How did we know it would be those four particular cars ?
3 How did we know Mr Shahiduddin Postman ?
4 How do we know we can trust you ?
5 How do we know he wo n't discharge himself again after a week ?
6 How do we know you 're telling the truth ? ’
7 How do we know it would n't be a place of savagery and high priestesses and the ritual sacrifice of beautiful twelve-year-old boys ?
8 How do we know that sexual reproduction is responsible for the relative uniformity of species , and that its absence is responsible for the discontinuities between them ?
9 How do we know ?
10 How do we know ? ’ said Marcus .
11 How do we know they 're the proper people to have sight of these — documents ?
12 So ‘ taking stock ’ is not simply concerned with ‘ How do we know if we have arrived ? ’ , but crucially ‘ Have we travelled by the best route ? ’ .
13 such as ‘ How do we know that the behaviour of numbers does not somehow change as they become larger ? ’
14 Mortality statistics , too , are not restricted to the unemployed : how do we know that they are not indicating greater health problems in the population as a whole during times of economic difficulty ?
15 As our report indicated , besides denoting objectives , content and possible means of evaluation ( probably entitled ‘ how do we know what they have learnt ’ ) , the syllabus and materials were also to call attention to :
16 Even when we do become more aware , how do we know whether what we are doing is ‘ right ’ or ‘ wrong ’ ?
17 But if we give you information , how do we know you wo n't distort it ? ’
18 How do we know it 's stolen ? ’ and warmed to him , grateful that he was willing to defend her , though fearful in case she was asked direct .
19 How do we know Jesus ever lived ?
20 How do we know Jesus rose from the dead ?
21 After all , how do we know that our own picture of Jesus is necessarily right , especially when we realize that we too bring assumptions to faith ?
22 I mean , how do we know you were n't playing Stairway To Heaven , Smoke On The Water or Eruption ?
23 How do we know we ca n't do something unless we try ?
24 How do we know ?
25 An obvious question arises from this : how do we know whether the particular reformulations of a given piece of research are valid or not ?
26 How do we know it ? through faith .
27 How do we know they can be trusted ? ’
28 ‘ If he has no contact with the embassy , how do we know all this about him ? ’
29 How do we know he 's not a mass murderer ? ’
30 Spencer turned to Craig and said challengingly , ‘ How do we know you found those books in my room ?
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