Example sentences of "how [verb] they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 some of these countries in Africa though they 've got like compared with the population , they 've got loads of land , compared with somewhere say like , like U K , so if that 's the case , how come they 've got so much surplus labour ?
2 A few birds with long beaks were poking around by the water : how come they stay so clean when they 're always delving in the mud ?
3 If this is the case , how come they go on so blooming long !
4 How come they use the horse Sir ?
5 How come they use the same box office , I suppose they would would n't they ?
6 How come they use this then Cath ?
7 " Then how come they do n't make anything for themselves out of all this hard labor ? " inquired the senator politely .
8 How come they do n't go ?
9 The impact of factors such as family size , religion , how long women have lived in the UK , and how westernized they consider themselves to be are examined .
10 This reveals how insecure they are and how threatened they feel by other people 's opinions .
11 Saga publishes a booklet , Saving and Spending on Longer Holidays Abroad , which not only details the savings householders of any age can expect to make while they take an extended holiday , but also gives advice to pensioners on how to ensure they get their pension while they winter abroad .
12 How do they Know about this , up in the stars ? ’
13 How have they come to believe this ?
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