Example sentences of "how [adj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Leeds ca n't make any more excuses about injuries , no matter how cruel they have been .
2 But after I left her , I realized how cruel I had been .
3 How cruel you 've been to me , Catherine ! ’ he cried wildly .
4 How cruel he had been to her !
5 Riding , she had noticed how straight he held himself in the saddle , how unruffled he had been when leading his horse across a fast-flowing stream , how easily he brought his mount to jump a wall ; as though he were part of the animal he rode .
6 ‘ You never know how little you have to beat , ’ he once said , a doleful look momentarily clouding his large , countryman features and global eyes .
7 Like many women , I had not know what to expect and had been shocked at how little I had been told about the reality of giving birth .
8 How little I 've done .
9 Dalgliesh had n't seen him for more than ten years when he had been a newly appointed inspector in the Metropolitan CID and was surprised to see how little he had changed ; time , marriage , removal from London , promotion , had left no apparent mark on him .
10 On political questions it is remarkable how little he has to say .
11 Strange , Gina thought , how much their two countries had in common and how little she had realised that element of kinship before .
12 A thought seemed to strike Maria and she added , ‘ They always spoke English together , but once I overheard Signor Diomede remark in Italian how little she had changed . ’
13 Then he thought , how little she has altered .
14 On behalf of their inarticulate owners , these clothes say ‘ I 'm not playing ! ’ and then sit on the sidelines ( so you can see how upset you 've made them ) , and wait for the world to be nice .
15 Tony talked about his ex-girlfriend and then remembered how upset he had become when his parents split up when he was 14 .
16 I even took some photographs of myself crying so that I could show them to Marcus later and he could see how upset I had been .
17 Why had n't she realized how hopeless she had become , how she had forgotten everything during those months of pregnancy ?
18 He stood there blankly , not knowing what to say or do , remembering only the sound of her crying out in the darkness and how awful he had felt , alone , kneeling there on the dyke , impotent to act .
19 How awful he 'd been to Laura , how unforgivable .
20 Did she not realize just how awful it had made me feel ?
21 She had prepared so many ways of telling him how accidental it had been , how only the thought that he was safe in France had made her bold enough .
22 She apologised for the mess , wiping her hands on her apron and then shaking my hand while I said how sorry I 'd been to hear .
23 How tall she had grown , and beautiful .
24 Julia was so interested in the cross-examination that she almost disobeyed Anthony 's instructions to go back to the Campo San Maurizio for lunch and spend the afternoon in bed , but , remembering how weak she had felt the previous evening , she did as he said .
25 He could remember how strange it had seemed after the base in Germany .
26 I know it 's just laid down as as sheet as to what you 're supposed to put down and all sorts but I ca n't remember exactly how detailed it 's got ta be .
27 In the end de Gaulle 's strategy had succeeded , but the fact that it had required Coty 's intervention to be successful showed just how risky it had been .
28 And how painful it 's been at times to love you .
29 How foolish I had been to believe him , and love him so much !
30 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
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