Example sentences of "because it give the " in BNC.

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1 This introduction to a scene and the gradual unfolding of the action within it may seem to be a rather academic restriction on the freedom of the cameraman , but it is a most important movie-making technique because it gives the viewer the feeling of involvement as a participant in the exploration of the location .
2 It has already been stated that the miracle is important because it gives the clearest reason why Jesus healed .
3 I always start with the eyes , because it gives the moisturiser a chance to sink in , and it also means I can wipe away any spills without reapplying foundation . ’
4 In fact , noise can be very helpful because it gives the network a chance to jump out of local minima .
5 I have left this monument to the last because it gives the fullest and most splendid expression to the first phase of fifth-century classical art ; and a comparison of it with the Parthenon makes clear both the essential unity of that style and the difference between its phases .
6 A patent is a very desirable form of intellectual property because it gives the owner a monopoly in an invention , enabling him to exploit the invention for a number of years to the exclusion of other people ( subject to provisions designed to prevent abuse of the monopoly granted ) .
7 He says : ‘ The idea is to start producing high quality , home-grown product because it gives the Forum a much better choice .
8 Mr Rushdie added : ‘ In any political issue silence is always the biggest mistake you can make because it gives the initiative to the adversary .
9 Most universities welcome it , because it gives the student a chance to look at themselves afresh during that year off , to increase their experience , maybe for a chance to stand on their own two feet and travel or work somewhere else .
10 ‘ We dropped the name ( and image ) because it gave the wrong impression by sounding like an extension of an army camp , ’ says a Raleigh International spokeswoman .
11 In the overhaul of government that accompanied the War of the Spanish Succession the servants of Philip V rejected the system of the Great Councils , less because it gave the grandees too much political power than because it was incurably inefficient and incapable of organizing the monarchy for the defence of the French dynasty .
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