Example sentences of "because it [is] only " in BNC.

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1 A key issue which must be addressed in this debate is not what most favours the sons and daughters of those families already committed to higher education , important though this is , but rather which funding system will most likely encourage first-generation entrants to higher education from social groups not hitherto persuaded to participate , because it is only from these groups that the necessary growth of an education and trained population can actually come .
2 Such a process is essential to help a team to mature because it is only through reflection that a team can emerge from the forming and storming stages .
3 The distinction between sheep of hardy and other breeds should be abolished because it is only very loosely related to degree of handicap .
4 This emphasis is partly due to the background of the researchers involved ( many are human geographers and sociologists ) and partly because it is only really since the Second World War that major hazards have been monitored systematically , culminating , of course , in the last decade or so in the use of satellite technology .
5 This cause has been championed not because of the prestige which the word ‘ science ’ carries with it , but because it is only through the better employment of scientific method that sociology can hope to develop as a true academic discipline , free from the biases introduced by ideologists or the wish to sway current social policy .
6 ‘ But they do n't have to finish their meal too quickly because it is only a short walk back to the Commons .
7 ‘ You can not define Christian communication because it is only expressed in the practice , ’ Fr Naidu said .
8 First of all , contradictions can only be identified in the context of the whole , because it is only within it that states of affairs become incompatible with one another .
9 I do expect occasionally to have temper , because it is only when we are discussing the right subjects that temper will arise : if people lose their tempers it is because they are emotionally involved in the problem , and we are probably talking on a subject which needs to be aired .
10 Fortunately it is in the company 's interests so to do , because it is only by such means that the free , wholehearted collaboration of free men can be enlisted .
11 Saint-Jean is not a mountain town , because it is only 500 feet above sea level , but it has the feel of a mountain town , because the hills close in tightly around it , especially to the south and to the east .
12 He insists on this because it is only by ruling out a set of logically possible observation statements that a law or theory is informative .
13 This is fortunate because it is only if the value of the cosmological constant is very small that the universe would be suitable for beings like us .
14 In this instance , that is in the interests of taxpayers and also of managers and employees because it is only through learning what the values are and what the method of bidding is that they will achieve a learning curve .
15 Even if we had no standard semantics to characterise , it would still be necessary to investigate the structure of the classes of inter-transformable programs , because it is only this that reveals the true power of a set of laws .
16 Take the case of the masochist whose partner inflicts harm upon her because it is only in these circumstances that she will have sexual intercourse .
17 The area would also be unsuitable for a business park , because it is only 1.8 hectares in size and the necessary development would be uneconomic , considering the amount of traffic that would have to be accommodated .
18 Do not be misled , however , into thinking that it works like a spreadsheet because it is only a grid for entering figures and can not perform any calculations for you .
19 This is because it is only the school and its daily managers who can assess what it can afford — and what it has to afford — to do in terms of staff time and money and because it is the school which has , in the end , to initiate any assessment of the type of community assistance which will provide its partners with the benefits they seek .
20 The reader will probably reply that the question is quite otiose because it is obvious that , as Freud himself pointed out , the oral region is of first significance in a new-born baby 's life , the anal zone is significant later , especially with the coming of toilet-training , and the phallic period is last merely because it is only later that increasing awareness of the genitals and the ability to manipulate them and perceive the persons of the parents causes Oedipal phenomena ( which are synonymous with the phallic period ) to come to the fore .
21 Pure logic is only a small part of the thinking we habitually do , and can only be so because it is only appropriate for certain limited activities .
22 Because , because it is only patched up , it 's
23 Sometimes you need a lot of volume , because it 's only at high volumes that you get certain frequencies and certain kinds of feedback .
24 It was like the Michael Jackson thing and that 's a strange place to be , because it 's only the celebrity that 's talked about .
25 Every second day I wash out this room — because it 's only lino .
26 On this side , no that 's not because it 's only Yeah there is
27 Second , he feels guilty about how he treated you and wants to make amends — something people often do when they find happiness because it 's only then that they can afford to consider how much they have hurt others .
28 It 's perfect for our purposes because it 's only some thirty miles from the Château de Belle Ile where the Führer 's conference takes place . ’
29 An excellent new book that 's come out and you can easily buy because it 's only six nine nine , and is book , erm kind of bedtime reading .
30 They 're competing for access to male pouches , what mammalian males are doing is competing for access to female uteruses because it 's only in a female uterus that an offspring can develop if you 're a mammal .
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