Example sentences of "because we would [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 because we would not be able to raise it as a shield in that one respect , now if your Lordship tried and then said well alright we stay the counterclaim is a set off , then what would your Lordship be intending to do about the remaining defences to say we 're not allowed defend our claim er at all on the basis of article eighty five will that be
2 that would be to completely undermine the effect of article eighty five , we simply would n't be able to raise our shield at all , we would have a counterclaim but at which point since we had no of what erm , for example as one of it 's principal defences , defences , erm we would say we 've made the plaintiffs case very much easier , they 've now got all our money , we 're bankrupt , we ca n't pursue our claim because we 've got no money to pursue it with in article eighty five would of been completely undermined because we would not of had a realistic opportunity to raise article eighty five as a defence and your Lordship to do that would of had to not only set aside the counterclaim as a set off , but also to set aside the entire eighty five defence to stayed it or to have set it aside
3 It may well be the case that a social system organized by women would be wonderful , that there would be no war because we would n't have our children killed , that there would be communes and free child care and no VAT on sanitary protection … but how would we ever know ?
4 Some others were fitted a few months ago but they have n't been wired up to the Economy meter and we dare n't use them because we would n't be able to afford the bills . ’
5 Also , it later transpired , the scheme would have been doomed to disappointment , because we would n't have been granted the necessary planning permission for change of use .
6 ‘ These people got abusive because we would n't take their drugs so I just grabbed this bag of s*** and poured it over the floor .
7 But it would be no good to them and say well you know right in the middle of nowhere , cow er sheep or cow country , there are a number of courses we would n't touch because we would n't be able to get enough sus er you know even with five erm major businesses .
8 Er I think we must remind ourselves that er this year 's as I say is by no means er generous and for that reason we 're not aiming higher , not because we would n't like to , but because we recognize the , the restrictions placed from elsewhere .
9 No because we would n't have got that fifteen hundred pounds they had n't agreed to do us a service .
10 Because we would n't get one
11 I have moved pianos upstairs , in certain cases where it 's a very open staircase and a straight one , but we wo n't normally do that cos er we need the equipment to do it , the proper sled and everything and we have n't got those things because we would n't be asked upon to do it often enough .
12 Well we generally aim to have I suppose most of our lectures at an A level standard , but we have a significant number for those doing O level , indeed some lectures which can be tailored for either , so anybody very mucg below O level we probably could n't cater for — I think probably because we would n't feel competent , rather than because we do n't want to do it .
13 No because we would n't do that anyway .
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