Example sentences of "because she do not " in BNC.

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1 I can guess , for instance , that an academic in the drama field , Richard Courtney , was embarrassed by her in the early days because she does not fit his Sladian view of what drama teaching is about .
2 She is portrayed as a victim of a patriarchal and backward culture , trapped in a position of victimage because she does not have access to the resistances offered by Western culture .
3 As she struggles into her blue dress , she wonders idly if she is so fond of Liz because she does not have to feel sorry for her , or if she does not have to feel sorry for her because she is so fond of her ?
4 Thus the other follows because she does not want to lose face with her white friend .
5 What of the victim , be it child , young girl or mentally inadequate woman , who fails to make any demonstration of lack of consent because she does not appreciate the nature of the act or lacks the capacity to understand its significance ?
6 Britain is particularly vulnerable in this matter because she does not have a written constitution .
7 She can not see because she does not wish to see .
8 The hon. Lady persists — I do not think that it is because she does not understand — in making the bogus comparison between in-patient and out-patient waits now and in 1979 .
9 This feature is barely touched on by Chiaro , perhaps because she does not see her sub-title " word-play " in terms of semantic violations .
10 She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .
11 She had not tried hard enough because she did not care enough .
12 It was a route she chose originally because she did not have enough capital to expand at the rate business demanded .
13 Miss Norma Scott , aged 23 , failed to report her mother 's death because she did not want the council to discover the squalid conditions at her home in Bilsmoor Avenue , Newcastle upon Tyne .
14 If they sent an ambulance she supposed she would get into it , but if they did not , then she would leave it because she did not have the energy to take herself to hospital .
15 When I look back I realize just what a hard time Mother must have had because she did not enjoy what one might describe as robust health .
16 She turned up when Laura was married in 1984 and she stood at the back of the church because she did not want to detract from the bride 's big day .
17 Earlier this year she persuaded a judge to let her stay with her boyfriend 's family because she did not get on with her father , who had recently been reconciled with his wife .
18 She recently turned down £1,500 for a day 's work because she did not want to miss school .
19 Cecilia always left coming to Tina 's until noon was past because she did not want to find her daughter in bed .
20 Nevertheless , an awareness that Japan was acutely vulnerable to threats of superior force , a resentment that Japan was considered inferior because she did not conform to Western standards and models , and a perception that other nations were prepared to act ‘ unfairly ’ to maximize the advantages that could be gained from any particular situation , made Japan determined to achieve equal status with the so-called Great Powers , or indeed , to surpass them .
21 She said nothing because she did not know what to say .
22 She could not have said that she found him dull , because she did not know it , and was conscious only of her own failure , and her misery at her own personal inadequacy quite drowned any sensation of boredom .
23 Quickly in and out of the sitting-room she slid three hundred pounds from out of her sleeping-bag , not wanting Philip to know how much was there — but only because she did not want anyone to know .
24 Esther sent a card to Alix , too , but Alix 's mother forwarded it accidentally-on-purpose to the wrong address possibly because she did not care for a rather elaborate allusion to Lacrima Christi in the text , nor for the brightly coloured shiny modern Madonna which the card portrayed .
25 She received no support from the father for the child , and had to rely upon charity and from what is called ‘ the food bank ’ because she did not receive enough money from the welfare services to feed the child .
26 He drew her to him , so that her head was near his waist , in a stiff sort of way because she did not give in to the embrace .
27 She decided that she did not want to stay because she did not like the job .
28 She was worried because she did not know if the rules of the house permitted her to go out walking with Finn and , besides , they were going to be late for dinner .
29 Mary did not like her , but that was not surprising , because she did not usually like people .
30 This was the case with a significant number of the girls talking here , for instance , Lorraine and Cathy , both of whose mothers had had children in their teens , and consequently had felt very sympathetic to what their daughters were going through , and Debbie 's mother , who had been more upset because she did not want her daughter to have the same sort of life as she had had .
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