Example sentences of "because they [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 of those people — 361,000 — have their forms returned to them because they filled them in incorrectly .
2 He produced a paper of his own straight away , which found favour with his political masters but was opposed by his fellow Chiefs of Staff , mainly because they distrusted his motives .
3 The Smiths succeeded because they followed their natural instincts and disregarded the trendiness of the moment .
4 His death was not due to any lack of care because they owned their own house and were reasonably well off .
5 A lot of parents were refusing to sign she said , ‘ because they admitted they just did not understand the new selection procedure .
6 ‘ They were n't interested because they realised what they would be expected to do , ’ says Jim Devine .
7 Many electors undoubtedly withheld votes from some of its constituency candidates because they judged them sure to be defeated .
8 He hated the Communists because they nicked his family 's bit of land and he hated the Germans because they treated them like pigs , ’ says Peter Solowka .
9 In their own time they were often called ‘ Condition of England Novels ’ , because they addressed themselves directly to the state of the nation .
10 We were originally going to do two shows at Knebworth , but we had to cancel one because they figured it would be too hard — we could n't get the trucks there on time and get the show going when they wanted to do it .
11 At first , customers kept their mouths shut not just because they signed nondisclosure agreements , but because they figured it was in their interest to do so .
12 It has to though because if in the pa if they 've had this long-term sort of culture for all this time they need to be given ideas but essentially if their traditional values were so strong they would have rejected what the Communist Party was trying to say , but because they accepted it it meant they ha they did actually have the potential to be revolutionary .
13 If she did not see fit to prevent their actions , it must be because they served her purposes .
14 Which meant , in effect , that though some parents chose to send their children there rather than to the Grammar School , many more sent them there because they failed their eleven-plus , that Beecher 's Brook of English childhood .
15 Hincmar puts in a significant phrase when he says that the minores who " confirmed " assembly-decisions did so " not because they were forced to do so , but because they understood them in their own minds and agreed with them " .
16 It is apparent from studies made that not all those summoned actually attended the heralds — a number ignored the college officers because they understood themselves too grand , of ancient family and proud lineage , and thus beyond any need to have their pedigrees recorded , much less authenticated .
17 He knew that people thought them an ideal couple because they lived their mutual lives at arm 's length , they complemented each other in self-containment .
18 Anna Martin showed that some working class women also distrusted state intervention , not on principle , as was the case with middle class feminists , but because they feared its effects on their husbands ' incentives to work and on their own pivotal position in the family .
19 The couple , who live in a village in the New Forest , took the baby back to the hospital because they feared they would become too fond of her , but have now taken her back .
20 Because if we do n't we then run the risk of being injured ourselves erm somebody alleging that they did n't realise they were police officers and therefore shot at us because they thought we were invading their territory or something .
21 The government put this here after ‘ Forty-six because they wanted one spot of safety in a wilderness of hatred , and because they thought they might as well get some good of this country once they 'd ruined it .
22 Who , after all , would decline a chance to emigrate because they thought they might later qualify as a refugee ?
23 Conner 's crew were incensed because they thought they had made the perfect forcing manoeuvre .
24 And additional cross-tabulations not included in Appendix I showed that two per cent of those buying for cash said that this was because they thought they probably would n't be able to get credit .
25 THREE British women escaped death in the Himalayan air disaster because they thought they were too busy or not fit enough to trek or climb with their men .
26 Palmer , seconded by GLEB to work with NoS , felt many people were naively attracted to the pops because they thought they were easier to do .
27 You used to surprise some of them because they thought they 'd done it before you 'd notice . ’
28 I talked them into it because at first they were scared , one because they thought they 'd get docked for it — but they said we could have half a day off for it and not get docked — and also because they thought Ros and Maureen were going to be looking down on them , " Oh , you 're only young girls ' , things like that .
29 Some of the crew were against this because they thought they 'd get their watches stolen ( I ask you ) and some in favour so that they could get a closer look at the women ( I ask you ) .
30 stocking up again because they thought they 'd have to go in
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