Example sentences of "because they [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Often you do n't realise the sheer range of functions of a good company secretary or administrator until they leave , because they 've been so efficient , ’ said Mr Sheppard .
2 He had an impulse to say , ‘ This is the music of 1988 ; these are our heroes ; that building on the headland is our architecture and I dare not stop my car to help children home because they 've been taught with good reason that a strange man might abduct and rape them . ’
3 And because they 've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life , they 're aware and starving .
4 And those who go into the situation with their eyes wide open because they 've been trained how to handle emergencies with calm and confidence .
5 Hence my association with Flip , because they 've been doing second-hand clothes for 20 or 30 years .
6 Already because they 've been approved by the board .
7 And on the whole , I 've been fairly lucky with them , so my views are n't formed because they 've been absolutely horrible to me .
8 Because they 've been good boys we 've helped them extend their landholdings and they lease it back to their own peasants at exorbitant rates — that 's why their own people call them pirates . "
9 ‘ Only because they 've been bathed . ’
10 Because they 've been pressured into an opinion on one particular aspect of their letter .
11 They go on a list and they can not get work simply because they 've been activists .
12 So , we 'll forget all that , and we 'll just assume that what Freud really meant , was that people have sense of guilt because they 've been socialized to have it .
13 One in six patients in hospital in Britain are there because they 've been made ill by doctors .
14 On the other hand , I 've got nothing at all against backing the scum.That way , if they lose and the bet does n't come up , you 're still happy anyway because they 've been beaten , and if they are going to win , you might as well make some money out of it .
15 Does it make them any weaker because they 've been adopted by young women who dislike the feminist label or by the ‘ I 'm not a feminist but ’ brigade ?
16 Erm , parent involvement , there is no mention in this report about parent involvement , and I think this is absolutely essential that the , it 's often the families who are poor parenting , because they 've been poor parent people , and you have succession , and we 've gone somewhere along the line , we 've got to go down that road .
17 There is n't er er there is no , people have gone because they 've been doing other things other than er .
18 In terms of erm , return to work , er , we also er have been very good , I think , in the sense that we now offer the twenty-five per cent bonus er , after pregnancy , do n't get me wrong on that , er , what happens is , people are actually recompensed , given back the money which they 've sacrificed because they 've been away from work for six months , and they get is back over the next two years .
19 The negotiations have been secret because they 've been … controversial .
20 Cheesemakers have already stopped using traditional dyes like carrot or beetroot juice because they 've been banned .
21 A group of families living beside one of the region 's busiest commuter routes are facing a five-mile detour to get home , because they 've been marooned by roadworks.They say it 's making their lives a misery , and want engineers to make them a special short cut to improve things .
22 He says it 's going to get bigger and bigger and alot of our pasture land is going to be cannabis plantations and they 're going to be legal ones because they 've been granted licences to possess and grow it .
23 ‘ We 've lost many of our localised products because they 've been taken over by multi-nationals .
24 They 'd be secondhand shoes because they 've been worn for three days .
25 because they 've been so much more technology , you know , since it 's started
26 my kids have n't had any food all weekend that I 've paid for because you did n't send me my giro , they 've had their meals because they 've been round there at grandma 's , but I 'm not telling you that , yeah , you know .
27 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
28 Erm in March the top branch was erm Hugh erm interestingly enough erm in the south erm Nicholas erm was well down on recruitment , he was down minus twenty seven on his fore on his target , but was significantly up on his bus business that he brought in because they 've been focusing on er in on that .
29 Maybe their system 's organized differently , but fundamentally the problems are the same and that 's given our people the confidence that they needed because they 've been able to see that people everywhere , it 's not just them isolated in , in , you know , Tory Britain , who are facing these particular difficulties , but issues of privatization for example as the same in France and actually about to get much worse , er but , and , and I think that helped erm our colleagues from France who 've also got a perspective on their struggles and their battles we 've been able to support one another with information about companies working , multi-national companies working on both sides of the Channel .
30 No wait , there 's three men , there 's three men and they 're all getting sent to prison but because they 've been good they 're all gon na get a wish .
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