Example sentences of "one who [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Andrew Buccleuth certainly had his fair share of brokers and analysts doing exactly that , but he had a more relaxed view of the duties of a salesman — and especially of one who enabled him to win substantial bets on the golf courses of southern England .
2 Tammuz paused , drew in his breath , smothered the expression of one who feared he had narrowly missed being indiscreet .
3 I was the one who recommended him to try for the job .
4 There were cases of teachers following girls home , and one who exposed himself .
5 The fat little one who sorted you out this morning was the S.M.O. Get me ?
6 Because of you and the things you said — you were the one who robbed me of my confidence .
7 Sentencing Fisher Mr Justice Judge said of the rape of the pahrmacist ’ No one who saw her give evidence will forget her visible revulsion as she described what happened . ’
8 They saw a great deal of each other , but , because Diana was so much younger and usually just one of a party , no one who saw them together ever suspected she was a girlfriend .
9 Although he could see no more than the man 's black outline , he sensed it was a rival he was moving towards , one who saw himself as having rights in the moor , even rights of possession over it .
10 It was one of the truly marvellous innings , one that no one who saw it could ever forget ; since it has been shown on television virtually every time rain has stopped play in any match since , it would be almost impossible to have forgotten it anyway .
11 ‘ I was the one who saw it first , ’ said Melissa .
12 I know I was n't the only one who saw your work was important enough to be worth backing , but you must admit you owe me something !
13 The only one who knew what he was doing . "
14 The shadow was cloaked , like the one who knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men , and wore a tall hat .
15 One who knew her remembered a very large hole in her stocking .
16 As one who knew her and her husband only a little , I remember her as a vivacious lady of beauty and charm who worked throughout her life for many good causes .
17 One who knew him , I assume . ’
18 As I expected from one who knew him well it is a very sympathetic account of his life and its impact on both cricket and the wider world .
19 In that role he made headlines by disagreeing with Mrs Thatcher over participation at the Moscow games ; his robust independence surprised no one who knew him well .
20 One who knew him in the Bandung period , Takdir Alisjahbana , recalls : ‘ A fascinating personality … few [ were ] able to resist his charm .
21 You see th at every station , every depot , on British Rail , there were always one man thrown up as being the one who knew everything .
22 Among all these famous names there is one who knew them all , and who perhaps in his own way did as much as they to popularize , and incidentally to record , the Lake District at the turn of the century .
23 ‘ The only one who knew we were sleeping together , ’ Cheryl continued , ‘ and — ’
24 I was perhaps the only one who knew he was doing it for Duke .
25 ‘ She was in hospital for six weeks , and I was the only one who knew it was n't an accident .
26 Contempt , coursing like some seam of metal through his words and their meaning , the contempt felt by one who knew his own powers for one who clearly did not .
27 Her husband was the one who got her the job as well !
28 You know , the one who got you into all this trouble . ’
29 ‘ I only ever met one who got it right ’ , he says , ‘ and he was an Abo called Albert out of Hermannsburg .
30 ‘ And I thought he was the one who killed her , too , ’ said William , ‘ when they finally told me . ’
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