Example sentences of "one would have think " in BNC.

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1 One would have thought that Marxism and Lacanism would inhabit wholly disparate worlds of thought ; the former is rationalistic and teleological , whereas for Lacan , as Bowie says , ‘ arguments directed towards a terminus are falsehoods ’ .
2 My credit card bills all arrived simultaneously , as usual , and some hours passed before I managed to disentangle the statements and envelopes from a considerable volume of frivolous and , one would have thought , peripheral material .
3 One would have thought that the Incas might have invented a llama cart , given other ingenuities that they displayed .
4 One would have thought discussion with one 's working colleagues , alter so important a transmission , would have superseded all else , would n't one ? ’
5 One would have thought that she must have been brought in from that area .
6 In fact they spend so much time flying head first into burns , one would have thought they could save even more time by simply opening their mouths and taking on water without the inconvenience of having to reach for the day-glo bottle .
7 With these achievements to his credit one would have thought he would have enjoyed the support of the Council , but it was not so .
8 It is disappointing that the subject specialists in these libraries ( who are usually responsible for their preparation ) do not take this critical approach , because one would have thought they were well capable of it .
9 But one would have thought that any gentleman who links corporal punishment with his lady 's age is unlikely to have his twilight years shared .
10 He could have kept Maggie to warm his bed and no one would have thought the worse of him for it .
11 Her face was pleasingly flushed from hurrying , but now she walked with her head held high , taking slow , dignified steps so that no one would have thought she was a domestic servant .
12 That , one would have thought , was an indictment sweeping enough to settle the matter once and for all .
13 One would have thought that if firms of auditors were as worried by the threat of litigation as they sometimes suggest , then they would at least have availed themselves of this elementary safeguard .
14 Surprisingly , the outspoken defender of the unsophisticated user on the ASB has been Robert Bradfield , of stockbrokers Cazenove & Co , who , one would have thought , had a vested interest in complexity .
15 One would have thought she 'd have more sense certainly .
16 Although he has provoked a strong reaction among a sector of the community where one would have thought his support would have been strongest , Father Morrow is still determined to press on with his case .
17 One would have thought that would reduce the danger of further explosion . ’
18 So , I gather , has Salman Rushdie , whose lack of freedom of movement might , one would have thought , have made it somewhat difficult for him to carry out such a duty .
19 So , one would have thought that he would be in his element in the 19 Waltzes of Chopin .
20 One would have thought that a deep incompatibility should have become apparent to them between what they believed about the equality of human beings and the misogynist , or at least highly patriarchal , nature of this myth .
21 The onus , one would have thought , lies on those who would show that it is not the case that the fact that God , whether in the form of the Father or of Christ , has been seen as ‘ male ’ , is an underlying factor in western culture , distorting human relations .
22 The eagle was so evidently , so ferociously beautiful ; one would have thought that it could have impressed itself upon the most unwilling beholder .
23 One would have thought it was the congregation of a workhouse .
24 If , you 're the defendant , one would have thought
25 prove that this technology was n't so great as one would have thought it was without the ground troops .
26 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
27 One would have thought that Ian Botham would be an ideal choice , but his one-day record argues otherwise .
28 Well whatever — now 's the time , one would have thought , for Tod and me to kick off our shoes and get the feel of the place .
29 More than enough , one would have thought , to cater for the surrounding levels .
30 To single out such companies seems curious ; one would have thought that there is a stronger case for excluding unlimited companies which are authorised persons under the Financial Services Act .
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