Example sentences of "one has [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Krays were jailed for life in ( 1969 ) nineteen sixty nine , but their young fans have written to them , and one has even met Reggie in prison .
2 The car costs more than £400,000 and the first one has just rolled off the production line .
3 One has just come out of prison after doing two years for bodily harm .
4 One has just to look at recent results from a number of the Banks to get an idea of the vast profits being made .
5 As we shall see , to understand British politics fully one has also to go beyond that framework .
6 One has also to serve it well .
7 One has also to contend with the contribution of the Criminal Law Revision Committee , about which much could be said not least on the remarkable sortie into the defences of intoxication and mistake in its 14th Report .
8 One has simply to glance at the few fragments of these Galatica ( 745 Jacoby ) — all quoted by Stephanus of Byzantium — to be persuaded that the author of the Galatica is a younger namesake of the great Eratosthenes — perhaps a descendant who noticed the lacunae in the geography of his predecessor .
9 The superior knowledge of the teacher does not automatically invest her with the right to place students in an intellectual straitjacket , nor does volunteering to be a nurse mean that one has automatically signed away one 's rights as a human being .
10 For example , if no one has yet discovered the principle of the lens , it is difficult to invent the telescope ; if you want to erect an astronomical observatory , therefore , you have to do your best with the current technology — in other words , build Stonehenge or some similar megalithic monument .
11 No one has yet argued that the attitudes of nineteenth-century working class wives ‘ modernised ’ , although such a case has been made for both young , single working class women and middle class wives .
12 Termitologists have made great advances in working out how the pheromone communication system controls and coordinates a colony 's activities , but no one has yet explained how the millions of blind workers , each carrying a tiny pellet of mud , manage to construct between them such ingeniously designed , efficient and large-scale buildings .
13 No one has yet explained to me what happens to your filter if you set up an aquarium and lock up the ammonia that forms the first stage of the nitrogen cycle as Ammo Lock claims to do .
14 Secondly no one has yet tackled the technical problems of finding suitable disposal sites on land or at sea .
15 No one has yet made full use of the massive archival material available , which includes not just the twenty-nine volumes of Keynes ' published Collected Writings , but also a great quantity of unpublished personal and economic papers , many of them only recently available for inspection .
16 ‘ As far as I can make out no one has yet said conclusively that this man is Greg Martin' , she argued .
17 Gaps may well be there because no one has yet troubled to fill them .
18 No one has yet formulated an entirely comprehensive definition of sexual harassment , but the key components of such conduct are that it is sexual in nature and unwanted .
19 Unfortunately no one has yet written The Gro-Bag Gardener , but perhaps that theme is too down-market .
20 To my knowledge , no one has yet addressed the relationship between topic and theme in topic-prominent languages .
21 No one has yet hijacked a Trislander , but theoretically it could happen .
22 Yet from those English lips which utter this face-saving locution , one has yet to hear the words uttered in any sense that is not ‘ limiting ’ .
23 This is perfectly feasible by a system of fixed and moveable compartmentation , but no one has yet produced a practical system .
24 Sterling said at the time , ‘ In my opinion , no one has yet caught the real spirit of Alice on the screen .
25 Needless to say no one has yet proved by blind testing that any of the effects claimed are reproducible .
26 To re-phrase Churchill on our democracy , the market economy is a very bad system — yes : Guinness , Maxwell , BCCI , Blue Arrow underline its frailties — but no one has yet found a better one .
27 Amazingly , no one has yet worked out what the effect of that will be on Ford 's operation .
28 As well as the scent of ‘ mother 's scalp ’ — the first reassuring odour a new-born baby smells — there is a natural sea scent to overwhelm the chlorine in swimming pools , and even cow-pat perfume for which no one has yet come up with a use .
29 No one has yet suggested that Mikhail Gorbachev , or anyone else for that matter , should make himself Lord Protector .
30 or , or alternatively because I have n't , I have made this clear throughout , I come to the conclusion that the , the questions as posed erm or posed in any court which any one has yet suggested really ca n't , ca n't be answered or , or there are reasons for not answering at this stage whatever it may be
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