Example sentences of "one with [Wh det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The story behind Hale 's death was one with which Kahlo obviously identified , and within which dress formed an important symbolic function .
2 This is a way of thinking derived from Chomsky ( and ultimately from Plato ) , and it is one with which Fodor is quite happy .
3 Moreover , the risk that conventional conflicts may get out of hand and degenerate into nuclear disaster is one with which mankind will have to live for ever , and it strengthens the argument for attempting to keep conflicts within some kinds of bounds .
4 ‘ The fundamental message ’ , states Michael Saulet , Marketing Director , ‘ is that the name of Stoddard Templeton is synonymous with quality and one with which retailers can expect to profit .
5 But in respect of one crucial legacy of Vietnam , and one with which Mr Powell is closely associated , there can be no such happy outcome .
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