Example sentences of "one which [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Where steel-workers once laboured in their thousands , the facilities built for student athletes from around the world are hoped to provide the backbone for a different kind of economic prosperity — one which acknowledges the changing economy and society of both Sheffield and the nation .
2 But the model in place , the one which influences the way the health profession thinks and acts , is the engineering biomedical model in which the doctor knows what the problem is as well as the solution ; the focus of attention and what money there is becomes a technical intervention directed at symptoms and treatment .
3 ‘ Some people say no reform would be better than one which destroys the agriculture of the most efficient , provides an open cheque that must increase costs year in year out , pensions the part-timer and leaves the consumer and taxpayer to bear the burden ’ .
4 An awards system which recognises only HNC and HND achievement would be one which ignored the majority of SCOTVEC 's candidates — there are almost ten National Certificate candidates for every one in Advanced Courses .
5 The National Materials Handling Centre accordingly set up a Working Party , chaired by Mr. A. C. Parnell of Fire Check Consultants with a brief to examine the following areas of the problem ; the whole being intended to act as a plain main 's guide but one which had the agreement of all interested parties .
6 Of all the areas covered by the evaluation , this was the one which attracted the most critical comment .
7 An example of such a clause is one which says the employee is not to canvass or solicit during a period of five years from the date of the determination of this agreement for whatever reason any person , company or firm who were customers of the employer with whom he dealt during the last three years of his employment .
8 The inclusion of the toy theatre is a reference to childhood memory , but it is one which lacks the comfort of Boyce 's flowered lap .
9 This is a much older problem and one which precedes the rise of environmentalism , because in addition to the environmental lobby the exclusive rights of the farmer have long been under threat from another source — the massed ranks of the urban population , intent on using the countryside as a source of recreation and determined to gain access to what they consider to be semi-public territory .
10 Such points of contact will require a human face , and one which avoids the appearance of apparently arbitrary support which can be so damaging to relationships .
11 An example of such a calculation would be one which compared the images on the two retinas , and searched for differences which would provide information about relative distances .
12 In fact what is proposed by Mr Ceravolo in his report to the Parliament is the setting of a timetable for the elimination of lead from petrol and it is likely that this will be on the agenda of the Council of Ministers in June and it is to be hoped that the Council will then call on the Commission to proceed to a new directive on the matter to replace the existing one which determines the 0.15 minimum level .
13 Any structural change — that is one which changes the rules of the game on the basis of which bargaining takes place — would have to come from outside the system .
14 In the future historians are likely to regard the post-1979 Conservative governments as also having produced a change in direction , one which reversed the direction of previous post-war administrations .
15 Far from Freud 's concept of the super-ego being one which assumes the super-ego to be entirely built up from outside , from social relationships with parents and educators only — as Parsons — claims — it , too , contains instinctual elements .
16 As has been argued throughout this work , the concept of culture is one which assumes the indivisibility of person and forms ( that is , with respect to material objects ) , and of being and having .
17 This may not always be the lowest price available , but the one which represents the best value over a period of time .
18 It was , of course , a very expensive operation but one which achieved the introduction of a complete range of products into the kitchens of those people whose sampling of the product would be the most valuable .
19 For this reason , the approach to treatment must , above all else , be a clear one ; that is , one which helps the patient separate out each of his problems and plan ways of dealing with them .
20 Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships , it will be difficult to fit into the existing order .
21 In short , an alternative is emerging , not one which enables the country to avoid the pain of high interest rates , but one in which these can be concentrated on their proper function : reducing domestic demand .
22 X causes Y which in turn causes Z ’ ; while a mediating variable ‘ is one which shapes the very relationship between the two other variables : Y causes the way in which X affects Z ’ ( 1979 : 23 ) .
23 Obviously there are issues for which the pondering of moral principles will from the start play a much bigger part than the one which confronts the traveller .
24 The answer to the question ‘ which insulin regime ? ’ must be ‘ the one which produces the most satisfactory glycaemic control over 24 hours ' .
25 As a general rule it may be said that the more serious the breach , the clearer the words needed to exclude liability for it , and that where the court is faced with a choice of two or more interpretations of a clause , it will favour the one which produces the most reasonable result .
26 The aim is always to select an appropriate method , one which answers the question as clearly as possible .
27 Although it could be assumed by some that this is a development towards a more specialized and fragmented approach it may alternatively be a foundation for a more unified approach and one which accommodates the necessity to combine understanding at the microphysiology and biochemistry ( realist ? ) level with that at the biome level which had traditionally been approached more in functional terms .
28 Classical dancers ' body-and-mind-sets are geared to a specific set of rules , one which stretches the body in long , clean lines away from an erect spine .
29 Most early red-figure appears on only a few shapes : cups , and pots like the one-piece amphora ( figs. 86–7 ) , in which much of the pot was traditionally black and the extension of that to the background of the picture was an easy step and one which integrates the picture more fully with the pot .
30 The ARC was defensive — its own existence being threatened by the Region administration , and was in no mood to rock the political boat by publishing a ‘ sensitive ’ report , i.e. one which revealed the inadequacies of their own policies , and would incur the displeasure of the corporate investors in the region .
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