Example sentences of "one at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No one at that time in Glasgow had ever seen anything like it outside a porn mag .
2 So that there was good consideration there to meet that contingency , which was a real contingency and not a fanciful one at that time . …
3 Mr Gros said : ‘ No one has died in an avalanche here for 10 years and there has never been one at that spot before .
4 Like the one at that farm where we stayed last summer . ’
5 There is one at each location :
6 We have printed a handy Viewing Checklist on page 39 — make photocopies and fill in one at each property you visit .
7 game in which the players stand by themselves at different distances ( e.g. one at each corner of a room ) and one other player is placed in the middle .
8 They carried timber together for a while after that , one at each end of the planks , eyeing each other with set little smiles .
9 Mr Ayers said yesterday that the excavation had revealed two massive stone abutments , one at each end of the bridge , whose design and diagonal markings were clearly medieval .
10 Horizontality is , in fact , preserved by bringing into use an additional pair of wheels under the leading edge of the tank , fitted on the same axle as the main track wheels , one at each end of the axle , and thus outside the main pair , in such a way that they engage with a second , outside , pair of rails laid over the curve ( figure 7 ) .
11 Jitka , being the oldest was already in her own single bed , and the other two made the most of the other single with one at each end .
12 They recommended that two wings be added to the infirmary , one at each end .
13 One at each end of the carriage , for one and six .
14 Later , when they are both tucked in , one at each end of Xanthe 's bed tickling toes together on purpose , they beg her
15 Two empty cardboard boxes sat on the floor , one at each end of the room , ignoring each other .
16 Er there was a lady fell over about two months ago on that footpath just at the beginning of the winter , and the cathedral council offered to pay for the installation of a light and what we did we contributed seventy seven pounds which is sixty including V A T to enable a second light to be installed because of the two steps on that footpath , one at each end , erm
17 It reminded one of the two open-air markets in Derby Lane , one at each end , when all the pavement is taken over and one side road is blocked with cars .
18 The rooted islands of Amantani and Taquile lay beyond it , like guardians , one at each side of its neck .
19 I remember the time when two sheepdogs were daily tethered at this bridge , one at each side , to deter sheep from wandering on the road from the open fell : a sort of canine cattle grid .
20 Arm-in-arm back down the hill , kids hanging on one at each side .
21 one at each side .
22 On pleated headings you will need one hook for every pleat and one at each side of the curtain .
23 One in the middle and one at each side .
24 One at each side boys please .
25 Finally , you will need matching thread , plus a weight for the base of every seam and one at each comer .
26 it was only one one at half time
27 But more often a class will achieve an economic interest at the expense of an ideological one , or an ideological one at some cost to its political strength , and this interplay of interests in the course of the class struggle contributes to an exceedingly complex class structure .
28 I was thinking that if you do want to get a colour one at some time
29 We have a backlog of sites awaiting shelters , but would give priority to providing one at this location if you consider that this would be helpful .
30 Two rash tackles , one at the other end by Mike and now one at this end in the Shrewsbury with it was certainly Shrewsbury penalty goa erm penalty was won , Blackburn 's was as well .
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