Example sentences of "one that [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 From the safety of space , it would prove an interesting experiment , one that might be duplicated on other worlds , far away , should it succeed .
2 With estate-agents not only is the linguistically correct interpretation less plausible , there is a more plausible scenario suggested by the context , one that might be described by saying the estate-agents had blamed the plumbers .
3 But there are those who say that , if the Tories are serious , there is an easier way to take more account of what Scots want — one that might be less dramatic than a limited constitutional concession but probably more effective .
4 Perhaps the Tyzack route of the founder selling to an institution and then the partners and staff buying it back by way of a management buy-out is one that might be followed .
5 OF ALL the fads spurred by the onset of the single European market , none has proved as damning as the one that might be called ‘ Euronomia ’ : an uncontrollable compulsion to include ‘ Euro ’ in company names .
6 He felt he had his hand on a way to proceed , and one that might be of some consequence , with luck .
7 One that might be perfectly normal , though it leaves us in complete uncertainty . ’
8 You are the one that might be missed about the house and the business .
9 Er well y I pick one that might be too long for you so pick Roxy Roxy which I love .
10 The most important safeguard is probably the entitlement to legal advice ; this is also the one that may be most inconvenient for the police .
11 Since image is what people think , feel , or believe , your client and you could be in for a surprise — one that may be more shocking than pleasing .
12 These several glosses of the characterization of a causal circumstance as making its effect happen and explaining it , glosses which are surely very natural , lead us to a firm conclusion , one that may be anticipated .
13 After an efficient counter-attack , which may have been instigated as a ruse , the attacker can move in on another area of his target , one that may be wide open for an effective technique .
14 This central ‘ rhetorical ’ point is one that would be wholeheartedly endorsed by most modern anthropologists .
15 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
16 You can ask the pharmacist for advice about the one that would be best for you .
17 Other Ministers at other times may have acted differently , but the legislative context is one that would be familiar to all of them .
18 He said that he had faced a dilemma about whether to choose a Bill that would make the headlines or one that would be passed .
19 Since the election , officials on both sides of the Atlantic have toned this down to a special envoy , one that would be on a fact-finding mission .
20 You see if we had seen that one that would be very ideal for Richard .
21 The most recent piece about him — published in June , 1989 — could well be the one that will be remembered longest .
22 ‘ Modern economics , as well as the geography of the whole of Ireland means that ultimately — and ultimately can be a very long way away — our Labour Party policy on reunification is the one that will be endorsed .
23 The pattern of increasing underemployment , both rural and urban , may be one that will be followed by the other LDCs .
24 ‘ Above all , one that will be helpful to your work .
25 This is an important point , and one that will be followed more closely .
26 This is a special book to add to your ‘ technical ’ machine knitting library — one that will be invaluable for reference .
27 His Coal Porters band ( a terrible pun of a name , but one that will be remembered because of it ) are unashamedly traditional in a rock 'n' roll clubland sense .
28 You will not easily find a more absorbing box-set of piano discs , or one that will be so frequently played while others languish in dusty oblivion , often examples of the dull respectability Cortot so demonstrably shunned .
29 One of the most useful skills you can learn , and one that will be of benefit throughout your life , is how to study .
30 One more now , as long as they do go out because erm Oh I 've got one that will be coming back from the careers service soon , erm he 's supposed to be ringing tomorrow morning .
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