Example sentences of "one [vb mod] say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The change from centrally planned to market economy requires , one may say as a condition precedent , proper legal framework .
2 Wittgenstein says : ‘ Instead of ‘ I know it ’ one may say in some cases ‘ That 's how it is — rely upon it ’ . ’
3 So on the flip side , in other words , nothing positive about the press release but positive about one truth , what one should say for a press release .
4 His orcs use a kind of gunpowder at Helm 's Deep ( II , 142 ) ; thirty pages later the Ents meet at Isengard , or ‘ Irontown ’ , a kind of napalm — perhaps one should say with closer reference to Tolkien 's own experience , a Flammenwerfer .
5 There may well be a modest marble tombstone for Mr Dowd somewhere in Saratoga Springs ; but each time the television continuity announcer advertises a forthcoming programme as showing at ‘ 9 pm Eastern , 8 Central and Mountain ’ then one might say of the late Professor , si monumentum requiris , circumspice .
6 We are in the age of the monopolies , one might say of the empires .
7 Moreover , it is one of the founding presuppositions of sociology , one might say of social science more generally , that individuals are related to each other rather than isolated .
8 One might say with little exaggeration that in this view the progress of science made philosophy redundant , except as a sort of intellectual laboratory assistant to the scientist .
9 Reviewing a biography by Phyllis Willmott of social work administrator Geraldine Aves , he threw out an impressively succinct characterisation of the Seebohm Report , which , as one might say at a BASW workshop , I want to share with you .
10 Beethoven is unthinkable without the tradition of western music , indeed one might say without the very specific background of late eighteenth-century music in Vienna .
11 And one might one might say in six , erm perhaps not avoid but minimize the best and most versatile land in accordance with the provisions of P P G seven .
12 The French delegation led by M. Jean Arrivetz of FACS stressed the desirability of using a mnemonic one could say as a word .
13 the flat in , in London , the flat we came from and so we had accumulated a little more furniture than one would usually have in two rooms and the kitchen and we got here and were allowed to spread ourselves , if there 's one criticism that one could say about this house , is that the size of the rooms confines you to what you put in them , they 're square , that the , the division between the living room and the dining room is through a pair of glass doors , where perhaps that could of been arranged with either sliding doors or some other feature so as not to separate it yet again into two square boxes and erm
14 There were limits o what one could say about milk yields and the EEC .
15 No one could say for sure if Robert of Gloucester would support Stephen , or if he would remain in Normandy to throw the considerable weight of his position , wealth and experience behind his half-sister .
16 Perhaps you would agree that one could say of him , that through commentaries and writing … your hand/Reshaped the history of the bat and ball .
17 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
18 The normal association of prose with the lower elements — no one could say in prose ‘ I am fre and air ; my other elements/I give to baser life ’ ( Antony and Cleopatra , V.ii.289f. ) — is revealed most amusingly in the case of Bottom .
19 In practice if there are beneficiaries who are capable of being consulted , it 's likely that one will say to those beneficiaries Right we need to raise some money , there 's only the shares to do it with , we 're proposing to sell them do you agree with that or would you prefer to have the shares and gives us some money ?
20 In summary , one can say beyond reasonable doubt that if one were asked to choose which of Slade 's apprentices is most likely to have made the harpsichord on which Handel rests his elbow , the evidence weighs very heavily in favour of William Smith .
21 For example , one can say of a brain process that it occupies a particular point in space or that it can be displayed on an oscilloscope screen ; whereas neither of these things could be said of , for example , the subjective sensation of the colour blue or of the thought that I hate Monday mornings .
22 The kindest thing one can say of this is that , one day , we may come round to liking it .
23 Perhaps the most that one can say of the bureaucracy is that it is a force for inertia in public spending since , once created , agencies programmes and projects are very difficult to dismantle .
24 There is no precise moment or position at which one can say of a particular individual that the child has become an adult or that the man who was outside the house is now inside .
25 All one can say at present is that though the process is difficult , time-consuming , and at times very unsatisfying , it is at least an improvement over those processes we have followed in the past .
26 In the sense of working together on common tasks partnership is a banal truism — of course both central and local government are involved in education , housing , transport , social services etc. but having said that there is little else one can say under the umbrella of partnership .
27 All one can say about the legend of Mu is that it was invented recently and has no scientific backing whatsoever .
28 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
29 The coverage or covering capacity of an item is the number of things one can say with it .
30 The message of the Burgess shale — that there has always been variety , and no one can say in what forms it will survive until it has done so — remains .
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