Example sentences of "look for a [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Er is the number to ring and we 're still looking for a North Yorkshire M P .
2 Police are still looking for a Phillips radio cassette serial number PH 620 FB 5028714 .
3 We 're looking for a Mrs Puddephat , lady who lives in the big red house down the road .
4 Interpol , at the time of writing , were looking for a Norfolk widow regarding their enquiries into the death of her husband .
5 London Jazz Radio , winners of the lucrative London-wide FM frequency station , is looking for a February launch .
6 ‘ I 'm looking for a BP station ! ’
7 I am looking for a Leeds United match programme … not looking for any particular but I would prefer the most recent or a forthcoming copy .
8 For filtration I looked for a Fluval 303 .
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