Example sentences of "look as if they " in BNC.

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1 In the third place peasant correspondents in particular looked as if they would be a useful source of information for the central authorities on dissatisfaction in the countryside and on the rising influence of peasant types not in favour with the party .
2 The Tories looked as if they had run out of steam and needed to rethink their priorities away from the cares of office .
3 The children all looked as if they did n't have a care in the world , that this was just another ordinary day , and what was taking place within the hall some sort of social occasion .
4 The lino on the floor was scuffed and torn , the windows nearly opaque with grime , and the walls looked as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .
5 Even the drainpipes , clinging half-heartedly to cracked walls and rusty gutters , looked as if they 'd had enough .
6 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
7 Not many yards away , dunes and hillocks looked as if they had been dumped at random , each one rising about sixty feet above the plain .
8 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
9 The early fusion experiments looked as if they were making great strides toward the desired goal .
10 Both mother and daughter looked as if they agreed with him but Mercer , smiling round clenched molars , said with surprising bitterness , ‘ You will do what I ask or accept the consequences . ’
11 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
12 The quality of the ball suffered accordingly and although Biarritz scored two tries to Toulon 's one they never looked as if they could win the game .
13 Miserable wheatears looked as if they wished they had stayed in Africa .
14 Some of the people looked as if they had been torn apart by animals with more in the way of teeth and claws than the Good Lord intended for them to have .
15 Anthony 's hard features looked as if they had been carved from stone .
16 Many were dressed in fatigues ; some , with unkempt hair and pot-bellies , looked as if they had started to go to seed long ago .
17 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
18 His dogs looked as if they might be dangerous and so Coetzee reached for a tried and tested method for solving the problem — strychnine .
19 ‘ He said it was because the seams looked as if they were going somewhere … ’
20 They were short and deformed and looked as if they were made of rubber .
21 Those stacks looked as if they had been turned out of a tin . ’
22 His jeans looked as if they 'd been slashed with a knife .
23 Though he noticed there were some who spoke to the superintendent and were completely ignored , while others looked as if they would have preferred to creep past unknown .
24 Daphne 's huge bosom and vast posterior looked as if they were about to burst from her too-tight black costume ; Rose , small-boned and slender , looked remarkably young and pretty in an aquamarine bikini that suited her fair colouring .
25 Though his features looked as if they 'd been carved from stone , in the depths of his gaze something stirred .
26 They hung at the end of slender wrists and looked as if they had been tacked on to the wrong person .
27 The fittings here also looked as if they had been in service for a long time — probably salvaged from a demolition site .
28 The ties all looked as if they came from a jumble sale .
29 She was wearing biker leathers and cowboy boots which all looked as if they 'd been applied with the aid of a shoehorn .
30 Cheltenham had lost their last five games and despite creating some excellent chances , looked as if they might lose their sixth .
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