Example sentences of "look as if you " in BNC.

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1 Start doing something and it looks as if you have got worries . ’
2 Looks as if you 're safe now , but keep my pistol handy just in case . ’
3 It looks as if you 've done a very good turn to me and to a lot of other people this afternoon .
4 So it looks as if you were right about that one , Van Gelder .
5 The use sales jargon , the BlowerVac has a very high perceived value , meaning it looks as if you are getting a lot of machine for your £120 .
6 She smiled and straightened as Greg approached and said : ‘ It looks as if you 've cheered him up . ’
7 Looks as if you 're done . ’
8 If you do n't have a pleasant manner and if it looks as if you have no spare cash , people just do n't want to deal with you ; it 's not a viable proposition .
9 So it looks as if you , people 's emotions have been tuned in such a way , that mothers look on these situations from their point of view and feel happy about it , and offspring like you look at it from their point of view and feel unhappy about it , and your emotions are the way the evolution has equipped you to deal with these problems .
10 ‘ This is the best way I know to sort out problems , and it looks as if you and I certainly need to have our minds distracted !
11 ‘ And it looks as if you 're going to need my help . ’
12 Well it really looks as if you 're having a lot of fun out there , John , but you are an expert .
13 ‘ It looks as if you 're in for a busy morning .
14 It looks as if you 've got a spare as well down there .
15 Looks as if you 've wee 'd yourself !
16 Erm if you look at that it looks as if you spend a bit more on presents than stationery .
17 There is not much point in weighing less but looking as if you are suffering from some wasting disease .
18 Practising freekicks , with no ball , on no pretext other than looking as if you 'd have done a marvellous job if there had been a ball .
19 Oh yeah , looking as if you know the business
20 Yet you 're looking as if you 've lost a bit off your back .
21 What does it look as if you are going to do ?
22 ‘ You do n't look as if you could get anything right .
23 Over here it does n't even look as if you need access to the Royal Mint or the Bank of England to forge bank-notes , judging by the warning messages on the colour photocopiers that have stationed themselves inside the printing bureaux .
24 Then they were both laughing , and the little woman , coming up and slapping Joe between the shoulders with such force that he coughed , said , ‘ Do n't look as if you are bein' confronted by a whale .
25 That way it will look as if you 've been asking around about me . ’
26 You do n't look as if you mean it , sit down please because my lesson started ten minutes ago there 's one over there Now in a minute I 'm going to give you a printed sheet and it 's going to ask you how well you think you 're doing .
27 This may look as if you had changed your mind — but , of course , you have not .
28 If you drew it on your graph it would be quite steep and it would look as if you were going up ten centimetres for every centimetre you went along which is almost vertical .
29 If you produce a copy letter from your files , then it will look as if you did inform the company .
30 ‘ Look , ’ whispered Sir Anthony , ‘ but do n't look as if you 're looking . ’
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