Example sentences of "look as if i " in BNC.

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1 It might have looked as if I wanted the bloody money ! ’
2 This year it looks as if I will have even more .
3 It looks as if I 've got no hands . ’
4 ‘ But it looks as if I 've been lucky and escaped the worst of it .
5 ‘ It looks as if I 'd better , does n't it ? ’
6 I thought to myself , ‘ I have n't bought any tickets for the raffle but it looks as if I have won first prize . ’
7 I admit that all of this is completely out of order — that it looks as if I 'm putting men in a no-win situation .
8 " It looks as if I have to , " I said .
9 Looks as if I 'm going to have to dash up to London today and try to sort it out .
10 ‘ It looks as if I 'll make that damned dancing class after all .
11 ‘ It looks as if I 've wasted your time . ’
12 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
13 It looks as if I 'll be there before you . ’
14 And while her heart plodded to a dull beat , ‘ It looks as if I shall have to work the entire weekend , ’ he stated .
15 It always looks as if I 've gone along with a sort of scalpel at the bottom of the letters as well , a sort of shaved off
16 ‘ Damn it , stop looking as if I 've just hit you again !
17 My purple stripy barrel-bag — it was small , it 'd look as if I was going off to my gran 's for the weekend .
18 I 'd swap my vest and plasters for a Marks and Spencer circle-stitched bra , a rigid , pointed contraption that made me look as if I had a couple of ice-cream cones up my jumper : I could never fill them to the end ( not even on a good day ) and the last waltz would result in dents in the ends .
19 ‘ Do I look as if I am jesting ? ’
20 I could n't look as if I did n't care , which made it worse .
21 And it does n't look as if I 'm going to be able to either , thought Donna irritably .
22 Only we 'll have to make it look as if I am .
23 I do n't look as if I come from your time , for Christ 's sake !
24 Well , in comes Alf , with 'is belly full of old and mild as usual , and asks me why do I look as if I 'd lost a pound and found thruppence .
25 ‘ Do I look as if I 'm having a hard time ?
26 Do I look as if I 'm in danger ?
27 How can I face people when I must look as if I 've just gone ten rounds with an all-in wrestler ? ’
28 It made my life a bit unbearable for a while and made it look as if I was attacking Michael , which I was n't . ’
29 I sneaked into the main dealing room and found a heating vent near the skirting-board at one end which I could unscrew and look as if I was doing something professional .
30 ‘ Do I look as if I am joking , Miss Bishop ? ’
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