Example sentences of "look [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their work carries highly charged images of male sexuality , such as ‘ Naked Beauty ’ where two young , naked models abase themselves before an open , budding flower , while George looks on with the impassivity of a voyeur .
2 The General looks on as a cadet is singled out to deliver his orders to others from his platoon .
3 looked on across a fence .
4 In particular the whole idea of a Prime Minister was looked on with the gravest suspicion .
5 She feels sorry for smokers — ‘ Nowadays , I think it is looked on as a sort of disability ’ .
6 It was probably effective the first time , but now it is looked on as a desperate move , a last ditch attempt to gain attention .
7 It was looked on as a very serious offence .
8 ‘ In the long-run I 'd like to be looked on as a composer rather than a stick player .
9 Building extends the grammar , by correlation ; but it can also be looked on as a way of extending the vocabulary of the learner .
10 It can be looked on as a discussion document and its coincidence with the real world is verified in discussions with the various users .
11 I 'm now looked on as a one parent family .
12 If I make a few constructive points , it will be looked on as a Liverpudlian poking his nose in .
13 The tale of how an astute Cornish furze-cutter came to be founder of one of the great landed families of Cornwall , with one of the County 's most famed stately homes , could be looked on as an ideal example of Thatcherite-style enterprise and self-help .
14 The absence of CD4 binding by the MicroGeneSys gp160 vaccine may therefore be looked on as an added safety feature .
15 The naive inductivist account of science , which I will outline in the following sections , can be looked on as an attempt to formalize this popular picture of science .
16 For this reason , it should not be looked on as an end user language .
17 You 've got to remember that at the time , deregulation was looked on as an open cash-register .
18 But it 's strange to think that the day 's not so far away when players like Robert Cray , Bonnie Raitt and Jimmie Vaughan , for so long representatives of the new American blues generation , will themselves be looked on as the elders of the blues .
19 In an important sense , Hugh may almost be looked on as the instigator of the Investiture decree of 1078 , for he had gone to Rome for his episcopal consecration four years earlier in order to avoid contact with a secular ruler , who claimed the right both to nominate and to invest his nominee in his episcopal office .
20 Yet right up until the Second World War , I suspect , Pau was looked on by a certain kind of English middle-class family as a safe and congenial southern town to which one might retire , or where , if need arose , the socially disgraced might comfortably hide .
21 TEACHERS of young children are being looked on by the Government as ‘ not a lot more than well-disciplined child-minders , ’ a senior Belfast education adviser claimed today .
22 I believe tobacco-smoke is the most effectual , but to one not a smoker it would require to be a case of hiring another to the office of smoking away the midges — a work many would gladly undertake , for tobacco is looked on in the Highlands as a very great good , almost as essential as the whiskey .
23 The laibon simply looks down at the floor of the boma .
24 He looks down at the fag packet and taps it round another couple of revolutions on the table .
25 He looks down at the table , smiling , and draws a face by running his finger through a ring of beer .
26 Rather it looks down at the scarred and broken Christ figure as if to say , ‘ Why ?
27 She looks down at the figure slumped in the chair , sees the skull under the frail skin which hangs loosely from the bone , at once tight and yet with too much of it , the bony fingers picking at the fringes of the rug .
28 These wide , panoramic views are usually extremely compatible , as Natassa combines views of two of the Tyne Bridges in one double shot ; looks down at the field pattern provided by the flagstones at the corner of the street ; looks back on-shore , from the water 's edge ; or concentres on old rotting timbers out to sea .
29 From a gusty somewhere , God looks down on a world
30 His father had died serving the Empire as one of the Black Riders and as the boy looks down on the great imperial road from the quiet house of his foster-parents he listens to tales of the powerful Count Jasper , Governor of the Citadel and commander of those orthodox forces .
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