Example sentences of "should be seen as " in BNC.

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1 Even in softly flowing ballets such as Monotone II where no impetus should be seen as deliberate , it must nevertheless be there and firmly controlled lf , for example , the two boys are to turn the girl sur pointe with her working leg stretched upwards and her head and body bent downwards over her supporting leg .
2 Again it should be seen as close and calculated that the shawl which wraps the head in shame at first , becomes at last a green emblem of mercy .
3 Adultery therefore should be seen as having a symbolic quality , amounting to sexual conduct outrageous to the other .
4 When these two factors are put together , it is readily understandable that a request that treatment should cease should be seen as not really meant , but as merely the response to either a passing mood or a loss of mental fitness .
5 Circular 7/87. on the provisions of the 1986 Act , explains what is meant by the general conduct of the school : ‘ It should be seen as being concerned with the whole ethos of the school 's life ’ .
6 It has always been regarded as desirable that the police should be seen as taking no particular stance regarding political activity and that they should not be placed in a position where decisions of a party political nature are concerned .
7 Whether a particular level of credit payments should be seen as high or not obviously depends on the consumer 's income .
8 The ‘ full development of an ear for language ’ encompasses a wide range of related skills , understandings and competences , underlining our belief that the language and literature facets of the English curriculum should be seen as mutually supportive rather than exclusive .
9 In this book I will argue not only that these are indeed constraints on the form of knowledge but also that they are constraints on all knowledge which should be seen as ideological in the sense in which Marx uses it .
10 The development of this ‘ trading empire ’ should be seen as directly associated with the development of the Minoan civilization on Crete .
11 The claim that the complex whole of society should be seen as consisting of practices is an attempt to get away from the idea that a social theory can be grounded upon a concept which is ‘ simple ’ and ‘ given ’ .
12 One of the triumphs of ‘ Utopia and Other Places ’ is its convincing repudiation of the idea that Englishness and creativity should be seen as mutually exclusive .
13 Rather , they should be seen as establishing ‘ influences ’ pulling in particular directions ( in contexts where , for particular individuals , there are many other influences ) , sometimes supportive , sometimes contradictory , but always open to some degree of individually idiosyncratic interpretation .
14 More strictly , they should be seen as blending Hobbes and Coke , since the idea of reason Dicey and Oakeshott each have in mind is the artificial reason and practical knowledge of the common law .
15 On the basis that prevention is better than cure , retrospective methods of control should be seen as having a secondary , although not unimportant , role .
16 A response to the gender inflection or masculinism of philosophical theories should involve , I think , neither merely the assertion that women too should be seen as included under or capable of whatever norms are suggested by the theory , nor merely the assertion that what is seen as feminine should be valued too , or given equal status with what is male .
17 Second , that ‘ splits ’ within the psyche should be seen as resulting from the interference of patriarchal or male-dominated socialisation or conditioning .
18 In Freudian theory , there is a constant concern with the way in which entry into culture and human relationships , and the conflicts and struggle this causes , should be seen as constitutive of the human self .
19 I have already commented on the suggestion , made by both conservative Christians and Christian feminists , that the Spirit should be seen as specifically female .
20 The argument of this paper , therefore , is that language learning should be seen as resulting from an interaction between an organism pre-adapted to the learning task and an environment which , to varying degrees , facilitates that task by providing the evidence that the organism requires .
21 If regulation is involved , those charged with performing the surveillance should be seen as responsive to consumer as well as producer interests , if they are to reflect societies ' preferences .
22 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
23 Against either form of determinism one might instead want to argue that contingencies and institutions should be seen as providing the arena in which power-players will seek to utilize whatever resources are available in constructing local organizational practice , shaped to whatever mode of rationality , against the last of organizational imperatives .
24 Such protection should be seen as all that is necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the reputation and rights of a local government authority .
25 Both of these views of the relationship between government and the economy stress the extent to which social policy should be seen as dependent upon , or even a derivative of , economic policy .
26 The importance of language to education was undeniable ; yet it did not prove possible for development to take place within conventional faculties or schools of education ( in 1975 , for example , departments within the University of London Institute of Education were unable to agree about establishing a language centre because of concern over who should be seen as central ) .
27 I am convinced , however , that language teachers coming from abroad to work in the UK should be seen as something positive and not just as a stop-gap measure to alleviate a national shortage .
28 Fukuyama 's confidence in the superiority , and the supremacy , of western modernity should be seen as dangerously blind and arrogant .
29 This further implies that the product life-cycle should be seen as shown on the revised McKinsey-GE grid of figure 4.4 , rather than as running diagonally across the matrix from top left to bottom right , as figure 4.3 implies .
30 Such an outcome would place priorities on their head and , accordingly , the receiver should be seen as acting in the right of the debentureholder .
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