Example sentences of "look [conj] [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 The magnification tells you how much larger an object looks that if it were viewed with the naked eye .
2 Jack is not bothered what the tree looks like because it is not good enough to eat .
3 This is what the window looked like before it was restored .
4 The adjustment system is not particularly good , something of a nut-and-bolt operation , and looks as though it could well be vulnerable to failure as the bolt wears through the covering fabric .
5 That hair looks as though it 'll take a lot of coping with . ’
6 The organiser of The Other Story , Rasheed Araeen , has made much study of the art criticism of the early Seventies and the post-modernist theories of the Eighties , and his work looks as though it has no knowledge of the world not gleaned from art magazines .
7 Hence the burgeoning popularity of the Bharatiya Janata Party : a fringe party of Hindu extremists only a few years ago , it looks as though it could be part of a government after the election .
8 Now party influence looks as though it is again on the wane .
9 But despite the fact that at first sight the novel looks as though it is going to offer a fairly conventional , though well-written account of an actual incident , this is not a book from which to learn about Russian history .
10 While the uppers often irritatingly remain almost as new as they day they came out of the box , the outsole looks as though it 's been left behind on the concrete , which of course it has .
11 Nothing looks worse , and does a poorer job , than a worm which has been stuck on the hook several times and looks as though it has been tied in a knot .
12 Only fifty yards further upstream I find a smooth glide along my own bank that looks as though it should hold a few chub .
13 The Egyptian connection undoubtedly occurred , but it looks as though it was quite a late development .
14 Sending a typed letter , or at least one that looks as though it is typed , so it looks personalised .
15 For instance , you can build up a design that looks as though it has been pressed as a single spray ( see pp. 98–9 ) , although in fact each flower and leaf should be positioned with care to give a natural effect .
16 It looks as though it 's going too fast even when it 's standing still ! ’
17 ‘ It looks as though it 's on the ground to me ! ’
18 If you have sets of cables together , as in the sample of centre front cables and then cross the cables in opposing directions , you will be creating a completely different style of cable which looks as though it was designed as a whole rather than two separate pairs of cables .
19 When at rest during the daytime , the animal looks as though it is wrapped in a camouflaged fur blanket that matches the bark of the branch to which it clings , head uppermost .
20 It would appear that Child Poverty Action Group director Fran Bennett 's fear that ‘ it looks as though it 's a two-pronged attack .
21 India looks as though it can be self-sufficient in energy within the next few years .
22 The whole creature , as a result , looks as though it is divided into segments , but in fact these separate living packets of eggs are quite different from the permanent internal compartments of a truly segmented creature like an earthworm .
23 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
24 Even the RP ‘ broad ’ [ a ] ( as in path , dance ) seems to have acquired its high evaluation only recently : Mugglestone ( 1989 ) cites evidence from the nineteenth century to the effect that it was stigmatized as a vulgarism by some commentators : it looks as though it may have been ‘ borrowed ’ from a low-status dialect ( such as ‘ Cockney ’ ) .
25 It looks as though it stopped work a decade ago .
26 The map that 's in the back of what they gave us looks as though it might blown up .
27 When the light is distorted in this way , the star looks as though it is in the wrong position in the sky .
28 So that that looks as though it 's going well .
29 The low cost of setting up such a system allows people who have never ventured beyond typewriter or wordprocessor to produce material which looks as though it has been professionally typeset .
30 It now looks as though it will do the same for them in plastic sea kayak design .
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