Example sentences of "look [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The skylight in the ceiling looked as if covered by a dark purple cloth .
2 All other things equal , it looks as if producing more of the model is beneficial .
3 Changes in the container as well as in the product should be looked for and reported .
4 Despite his many sales of things from Douglas Cooper 's collection , a substantial amount of art remained , much of it in Switzerland , where it was looked after and catalogued by Billy 's curator , Dorothy Kozinski .
5 ‘ They 've got to be carefully looked after and tested .
6 The first need is to try and ensure that the churchyard is looked after and kept tidy .
7 Mayor Kropacek said : ‘ We must thank the Thun-Hohenstein family for having looked after and honoured the picture of the Annunciation for nearly half a century and for having now returned it , newly restored , to the church of the Holy Cross .
8 She was thought to have remained at Wroughton until delivered to Scampton late in 1958 or early 1959 , where she had commenced operations seventeen years earlier , to be looked after and displayed by the Station .
9 The whole day had been a strange one for a young lady like herself who had never been allowed to go out on her own , had been carefully looked after and protected at all times from the impact of the world in which most people lived .
10 I am very concerned about women , their rights and how they are looked after and protected at work .
11 Lying in bed and being looked after and enveloped in love , by day and by night .
12 And if we lived in the country then it would n't be me coming home every night whacked out and wanting to be looked after and having a squawking infant instead .
13 The navy was the guarantee that Great Britain 's interests elsewhere could be looked after and gave her enormous strategical advantages outside Europe .
14 Milton Keynes has been running a befriender scheme where persistent offenders are looked after and advised by adults … it was working … but yesterday closed because of a shortage of cash …
15 It 's important to go somewhere with a good kindergarten where they can just be looked after or taught to ski .
16 If an animal can be looked after or rescued on the Sabbath day , then it seems somewhat strange that a person in need could not be helped .
17 Yesterday Mrs McIntyre said she had received a letter saying the matter was being looked into and apologising for the distress caused to Mrs Morrison .
18 F. H. A. Marshall 's Physiology of Reproduction ( 1910 ) , in examining current views , found that menstruation was often seen as a disease symptom so that ‘ the phenomenon of menstruation must be looked upon as belonging to the borderland of pathology ’ .
19 It was raggedness linked with raving and ruin , such as none there had looked at nor dreamed of .
20 The main priorities for community and economic development in the inner Bristol waterside area must first be looked at when deciding how to improve the area .
21 its them that should actually be looked at as opposed to the , to the vehicle 's themselves .
22 Whether it is just looked at or heard , acted out or painted , a symbol arouses not only thought but delight , fear , awe , horror and the rest
23 You get really annoyed when they do n't know everything and they do and they ca n't answer your questions , apart from your parents I do n't think there 's one person , well me anyway , there 's not one person I 've looked at and thought oh well that 's what should be done .
24 He said when Mr Jones was taken to hospital to have his injuries looked at and photographed , he did not take the opportunity to be taken straight out of the Roberts ' home .
25 A a at the time , they were trying to get this place looked at and surveyed , and everything to get it , you know to see what they could do about it , get it closed down , but er they had n't got that far with that then .
26 should n't we use , try every effort to try and carry it off , perhaps that 's one that Jehovah 's looked at and said well there 's an area that they need to learn about , that need to understand a little more , they know nothing about that particular area , in the scriptures , now that 's a good one for them to have , we 'll make sure they get that , that way they 're going to learn , so if ever we always get the easy ones , the ones we know , the ones we 've done before , we think I can handle this , you never learn anything do we ?
27 It is unlikely you can accomplish what generations of warreners may have looked at and scratched their heads over before moving on .
28 In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed , with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness .
29 Each case must be looked at and dealt with on its own merits considering the circumstances and amounts involved .
30 All of our departments are built round customer needs therefore they need to be regularly looked at and updated .
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