Example sentences of "must know [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It begins from printed symbols and the reader must know what sounds those printed symbols represent in that environment .
2 ‘ You must know what to do .
3 Nobody must know what 's happened here .
4 ‘ I must know what happened to you down there on Moloch .
5 In these circumstances the child care lawyer must know what services the local authority is obliged to provide and which services are merely discretionary .
6 Although all of us are deeply concerned to know precisely what happened in East Timor , will she bear it in mind that , since Indonesia took over East Timor a few years ago , there has been considerable development of the infrastructure in that country , and that , although no one condones that massacre , we must know what has been going on before we adopt the language that we heard from the Labour party ?
7 This means that all users must know which charge codes to use when they start to create new modules so that their modules can be stored against the correct charge code for their project .
8 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
9 ‘ No one must know we have been here , my friend , especially Major Berger . ’
10 For him to learn anything from it , he must know who wrote it .
11 Neighbouring farmers must know who owns that animal .
12 But I must know who killed my daughter .
13 Trembling with anger he said : ‘ Someone out there must know who has committed this terrible crime .
14 You must know he takes care of all the drivers ’ problems .
15 ‘ Look , ’ she said , ‘ if you must know I went to a party , got a bit wet , borrowed some clothes and came home .
16 He must know I worry if I ca n't see it .
17 ‘ Sir George called it a ‘ ripping idea , ’ and he must know I need a chaperone so he can hardly object if I take you , since it was I who brought you ! ’
18 It was no problem for me to post a crew , and I did , and many of you must know I did post WAAF at the same time .
19 They must know it 's been going on at domestic and international level for a long time .
20 ‘ I suppose you must know you look like a painting , a madonna — Damn it , you 're pulling my reason all ways , Sarella .
21 Not only was he enjoying trying to blame the fire on Lisa , when surely he must know she had enough problems already , but that reference to ‘ poor , downtrodden Nigel ’ was almost shocking in its coldness .
22 She must know she had been overheard .
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