Example sentences of "must be more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In an advertisement for a mortgage which contains interest rates , then the APR must be more prominent than any other rate , ’ said Mr Ellis .
2 The ports de bras must be more emphatic and be accurately placed .
3 It should be clear how far from a general theory such remarks take us : to progress any further one must be more specific .
4 By this time he was writing rather apologetically to Constanze , telling her that she must be more delighted to see him back in person than with any money he would be bringing in — he had even been obliged to lend his impecunious patron Prince Lichnowsky 100 gulden , a request he could hardly refuse … .
5 Conclusions here must be more cautious .
6 First , it is progressive : in some sense , each succeeding level must be more advanced or more difficult than its predecessors .
7 It was a complete caricature of Schleiermacher when Hegel remarked that on this account a dog must be more religious than his master , because even more completely dependent .
8 Oh well , there 's no harm done in this case , only you really must be more chary of giving invitations to people we know nothing about . ’
9 Indeed , it must be more comprehensible to , and dignified for , students to get the whole of their resources from the education system rather than from a mixture of social security and the education system .
10 It must be more democratic at every level .
11 Anna says : " We must be more systematic .
12 Whilst this means no standing dead timber , the possible survival of the elm as a hedgerow tree must be more beneficial , particularly since in these areas the elm is the principal farmland tree .
13 That is why we need a Freedom of Information Act , why government must be more pluralistic and more decentralised , and why we should fully explore electoral reform .
14 Since BSL is visual , then the feeling of being in the story must be more pronounced .
15 God 's teeth , he must be more tired than he knew .
16 Your mind must be more involved with the screen image , the very nature of the games demand response .
17 ‘ You must be more used to it than I am .
18 He must be more drunk than she 'd thought .
19 There must be more painless ways of raising money .
20 My typing is a bit rusty , but must be more legible than my hand-writing .
21 If she has lost her partner to another woman , it will be assumed that she must be more beautiful , more clever , more sexy : in fact she wants her to be .
22 Under an armed guard on their first night ashore they learnt the truth : as guerrillas , their discipline must be more ruthless than in regular forces for there are no guard-rooms or time for punishment details .
23 We must be more ruthless .
24 With a crop with a limited amount of sales surplus production suppresses prices , and you must be more competitive with your fellow farmers
25 The , the Tories claim that that local authorities must be more competitive than the market place .
26 In internal matters ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ must be more pertinent than ‘ absence makes the heart grow fonder ’ .
27 I have stressed that we construct a context from the deixis of the text ( a context being the set of possibilities which exist in the universe of discourse and situation of utterance for the interpretation of the utterance ) ; but the initial elements of the utterance must be more dense in terms of pragmatic activity .
28 I 'm sure it must be more comfortable there . ’
29 Most people find that modern , lightweight rugs are much easier to handle than old fashioned jute rugs with blankets , and they must be more comfortable for the horse .
30 The larger eddies , which do play a role in the generation of the Reynolds stress , must be more characteristic of the particular flow , since the Reynolds stress distribution necessarily varies from flow to flow .
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