Example sentences of "must [be] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If a child travels on a parent 's passport to Morocco , a photograph of the child suitably endorsed by the Passport Office must be in their passport .
2 Er , Birmingham region , Brian , who will count G M B Scotland Lancashire region , John who will count Southern Liverpool region , Alan who will count South Western London , Bill who will count Yorkshire Midland , Colin who will count Birmingham Northern , Derek who will count Lancashire G M B Scotland , Mary , who will count Liverpool Southern , Jack who will count London South Western , John , the other John , who will count Midland Yorkshire , Ray who will count Northern er , and now the pep talk it should be emphasized that tellers must remain in the congress hall while congress is in session and of course that delegates must be in their allotted seats when a vote is taken .
3 their engines must be in their rears .
4 This must be in everyone 's interest .
5 Constance looked at Gioella and calculated she must be in her early thirties .
6 Father must be in his sixties now , and had not been well this winter .
7 For the discourse analyst , on the other hand , the more personal and particular the occasion for the participants , the more limited and circumspect he must be in his interpretation .
8 He thought Cattini must be in his mid-thirties , though it was difficult to say for sure .
9 He must be in his early forties , Belinda decided , while Faye , she knew was thirty-eight — fairly old to be having a first child , which added a greater sense of urgency and importance to the task of keeping her pregnancy on track .
10 you must have , must be in me diary
11 There is nothing physically wrong with my hands , so the problem must be in my mind .
12 it must be in my dreams or
13 ‘ It must be in my blood . ’
14 My mother left me a property in Lesotho when she died , and they insisted that it must be in my husband 's name .
15 It must be in your tray cos I 've only just got that today .
16 ‘ It must be in our hands within seven days , ’ one of the men wearing the gold rings insisted angrily .
17 How much worse the problem must be in our larger inner-city areas , whose suffering has recently been laid bare by the national press .
18 In short , restoring ordinary people as part of the we who run things , rather than the them for obstacles to be regulated , managed , I fear even duped and certainly simply left out , and the chief place to focus our search for pragmatic coalitions and cooperative democracy must be in our local communities .
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