Example sentences of "must [adv] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have come here to see the king and we must all go into the temple .
2 They must not go at all .
3 ‘ This must not go by default , ’ pronounced Herluin at his most majestic .
4 The interesting , though not necessarily plausible , feature of this result is that firms know that when the price falls below the critical level this is due to a random shock , because they know it pays no one to cheat , but nevertheless they must still go into the punishment phase to enforce the collusive agreement .
5 Reviled by every theatre critic in the world , the show must still go on ( and the company 's lease may well be permanent ) .
6 Spain , notoriously bad travellers , must still go to Albania as well as Dublin before finishing off with a potentially decisive home clash with the Danes .
7 4.12 Employees who search empty property in order to safeguard any valuables or money must always go with a colleague .
8 Honourable but brief mentions must also go to Annie Lennox and Sinead O'Connor , for their uncompromising attitudes , bravery , outspokenness , passionate commitment to their music and because they prove it 's OK to be strong and to be vulnerable .
9 The names of the five photographers concerned are listed with honour quite separately on the back of the title-page but credit must also go to the printers who reproduced their work ( Fotolito Fotomec , Turin ) .
10 Much credit must also go to the new Congress chief minister , Beant Singh , and his police chief , K.P.S. Gill .
11 Discussion of the roles and duties of the media in the contemporary scene must inevitably go beyond earlier and rather limited comments on the press .
12 Most people who have experienced the loss of a parent or a partner have suffered bereavement , and must inevitably go through a mourning process .
13 Line-outs must now go with the throw as there is too big a gap between sides .
14 First , take the point made by Mr. Holloway from Germany , who says that South Africa ( they should have been granted a dispensation and welcomed to World Cup 1991 ) must surely go through the full qualifying process for 1995 .
15 ‘ You must n't go to sleep on my shoulder ’ , I objected , ‘ all the world knows you ’ .
16 I must n't go to pieces , she whispered , tomorrow I 'll be brave , and ask Ricky round for a drink .
17 ‘ You must n't go to her , Rain , ’ said Oliver .
18 But I must n't go into that now .
19 They must n't go down this road again , it could only lead to disaster .
20 Probably their dad said you must n't go in there too often .
21 Er , you must then go through the month and work out , either on the monthly calendar card , or on the daily pages when you 're actually going to do this stuff on this list .
22 He or she must try to occupy one of the positions of the other players when they are changing places which they must constantly do ; any player who has been so displaced must then go into the middle and try to recapture one of the positions .
23 If they survived , why , Jaq must then go to Earth to seek an audience with the Master of Mankind to ask for guidance .
24 Well it must either go in the kitchen or in the cupboard somewhere , but you know ?
25 Supposing that the result of the investigation is satisfactory , and the purchase is completed , a subsequent purchaser must again go through the whole process ; the results of each investigation are practically thrown away for the future .
26 He must therefore go on what he sees in training .
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