Example sentences of "tell him [adv] what " in BNC.

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1 She told him exactly what she had told the police .
2 In short , clipped tones Cranston told him exactly what had happened , and their suspicions .
3 My master leaned forward and in curt , clear tones told him exactly what was the matter .
4 Well Dad and Sophie told him exactly what , what he was like and everything thought oh my God !
5 Athelstan made him sit on the floor with his back to the wall and , crouching down beside him , told him quietly what he had learnt : how the wood carving being made for the coronation pageant might hold a clue to the killer 's identity .
6 She told him crudely what services were on offer , and the cost of each .
7 I sat with him and told him basically what to do , ’ says Charman .
8 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
9 Look what happened to Flaubert : a century after his death Sartre , like some brawny , desperate lifeguard , spent ten years beating on his chest and blowing into his mouth ; ten years trying to yank him back to consciousness , just so that he could sit him up on the sands and tell him exactly what he thought of him .
10 ‘ You 'll sort it out , ’ he assured her callously as they entered the building , and she suppressed an urge to hit out at him and tell him exactly what he had done and was doing to her .
11 Tell him exactly what she thought of his cold , callous treatment of Mark ?
12 You tell him exactly what 's gon na happen at the next meeting and providing what you present meets his needs and is within his budget , will he be proceeding ?
13 There is a popular idea that when the flight data recorder is recovered from a crashed aircraft the investigator has merely to read an indicator inside it which will tell him just what the cause of the accident was , eliminating the need for all the tedious investigation practices which used to take so much time .
14 Stuart Surridge was regarded by Jim Laker as the ‘ finest captain under whom I ever played ’ , while Alec Bedser put a spotlight on Surridge 's special quality when he wrote : ‘ One of the privileges of friendship is a free exchange of views , and we could always tell him honestly what we thought of his plans , and , in turn , he could be equally honest with us .
15 I can tell him precisely what will be there .
16 LITTLE BILLY 'S MOTHER was always telling him exactly what he was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do .
17 I sat there for an hour stuffing my stomach and telling him exactly what had happened .
18 And she had no intention of telling him just what she did think of him , not that it would have made sense , anyway — either to him or , more importantly , to herself .
19 One half of her wanted to give in and accept his kisses , which she knew would be delicious ; the other half wanted to tell him insultingly what she thought of him .
20 Tilda began to tell him exactly what had been happening in Dr Kildare , so far .
21 She would have continued to attack him further , but , even as she opened her mouth to tell him exactly what she thought of philandering , two-timing men who played around with their office staff , she heard Ross swearing violently under his breath .
22 By six o'clock , when even the tail-enders of the department had gone , Leith had swung from wanting with everything she had to hang on to her job , to be furious enough with the man who was making her sweat it out to tell him exactly what he could do with it .
23 erm I do n't have a relative in the Gulf erm but I for my own peace of mind , I wanted to keep up to date with things that were going on erm and also for my husband really , he is at out at work all day and I , you know it was nice when he came home from work for me to be able to tell him exactly what went on .
24 She fought free , but she had no time to tell him just what she thought of a man who would play one sister against the other before Dana was in the room .
25 She ought to tell him just what she thought of him , but she felt too shaken , too drained for further conflict .
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