Example sentences of "tell [pers pn] be that " in BNC.

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1 All they told me was that if I were on the public payroll I 'd take a ride out to Westminster Drive and have a long talk with Mrs. Laura Channing .
2 What they told me was that people come to this country impersonating other people , get a passport and then pretend they 're British .
3 ‘ All he told me was that the book was important to him and to some other people . ’
4 ‘ All he told me was that he was working for the Sovbloc desk at Six , and they were looking for a deserter , but he did n't even have Blagg 's name .
5 Theodora pressed on , ‘ What the vicar 's warden also told me was that Paul had become more and more involved with the Youth Club and , in particular , with Jefferson , who had worked with him at Narborough .
6 all you told me was that Miss White was retiring but I had n't to tell anyone , which I have n't done , which I do n't intend to do
7 It did not tell him how many French had crossed the frontier , nor whether blücher was concentrating his army ; all it told him was that a French force had pushed back the Prussian outposts .
8 The Father came out this morning to say that the hall could , one of the first things Father told him was that the hall could n't be insured , I mean it even staggered erm Doris , cos she 's not heard of that before , impressed , I do n't know what impressed is , but
9 ‘ All he told us was that he wanted to go up to Luxor .
10 So ba but what you are , but what you are telling , what you have told me is that erm there is , there is erm work being done to try and get people compensation in addition to what they would normally get
11 What Odd-Knut has not told him is that the water under the ice is pressurized , and it wells up out of the hole .
12 And what they have told us is that the first body was too far decomposed to be very helpful .
13 But the crucial thing he had n't told us was that his girlfriend was one of the operators involved in the ring , and he 'd just had a big row with her .
14 • What your intense desire for Jim tells me is that you are a highly sexual person : one who has managed to heal herself after a difficult marriage and who 's now ready for a physical relationship .
15 All he could tell me was that the team had no sponsor but I felt he was trying to put something together .
16 As for Wolfgang 's opera all I can tell you is that , to put it shortly , the whole hell of musicians has arisen to prevent the display of a child 's ability .
17 What they do n't tell you is that the price of those meals may be artificially inflated .
18 What the manuals do n't tell you is that when the application is removed , the responsibility for removing or reversing changes made to the INI files falls upon you .
19 What any German industrialist will tell you is that his workforce is better trained than the UK 's .
20 The books tell you that badgers love peanuts , but what they do n't tell you is that a plastic peanut packet is likely to go off in your pocket with a high-decibel rustle that will send any self-respecting badger right back underground .
21 ‘ I think you 've lost hope , and the only thing I can tell you is that if you hang on hope will come back , and you must n't do anything until it does . ’
22 All I can tell you is that someone seems to want to harm you .
23 All I can tell you is that Amy was in St Benet Oldfield on Friday night . ’
24 All I can tell you is that , yak 's milk pessaries , herb pillows , special inhalants and all , I read a big thick book about the American Indian Movement , while ‘ Im Indoors makes noises like an elephant in rut .
25 ‘ All I shall tell you is that she 's somebody Mother knows . ’
26 The only good news I can tell you is that I would very much like to have the opportunity .
27 All I can tell you is that Winsor blue is one of the trade names for an intense blue pigment , copper phthalocyanine , which came into the palette sometime in the thirties .
28 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
29 What I can also tell you is that Lucy 's engaged the erm British Cast Iron Research Association to carry out a survey , and they tried to repeat the circumstances of the explosion , and they could n't do so .
30 One thing that I did tell her was that if I ever got arrested she would not be involved .
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