Example sentences of "tell [pers pn] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I did ask if they 'd had a nice meal , but Lisabeth just ‘ harrumphed ’ so I dropped the subject and told them instead that I was going to meet Duncan and collect Salome 's car .
2 A letter card came from France , but it told them little except that he was well and a letter followed .
3 For some months the engineers tried to obstruct and by-pass Smith , until Hacking told them firmly that there must be a considerable change of heart by all concerned to work together .
4 ‘ That 's enough of that , ’ Ross told them firmly as he threw aside the sheets , revealing the fact that he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts .
5 Lowell told them politely and falsely that it was good to see them .
6 Or simply told the truth — told them there and now that it was n't Syl 's smile that repelled me but that I had an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him , something unwholesome by virtue of being undeveloped , something that would , sooner or later , cause me to turn on him with bitter cruelty as Nour had turned on me .
7 Well when I was down at the er council that May , I told them there and then that er I 'm prepared to er let one of the council men come to our house , about eight o'clock in the morning , and then stop till ten and then come back again about two and wait till they come home from school which they would n't have come home from school , but they go across the road and come back again , double back as if they 'd been to school
8 Several journalists questioned him about whether or not he had found it hard being Laura Ashley 's son and his answer told them more than they had realized .
9 His glance towards the file told them precisely where that letter was and McLeish asked for it promptly .
10 As far as she was concerned , she told me over and over again , we were responsible for Dennis 's death .
11 ‘ Oh , I love , I love , ’ she told me over and over , ‘ I put nothing in my letters to you .
12 They never told me why and that really hurt .
13 Glad of the diversion , I said , ‘ Someone told me today that the bad weather was caused by all the cannon-balls discharged on the Field of Waterloo last year . ’
14 A few seconds later we were plunging thought atmosphere , and Posi told me cheerfully that one of the in-phase ceptors had locked on to Mala 's position .
15 ‘ I wo n't allow those to go out , ’ she told me again and again .
16 Kalchu told me later that the butchering and apportioning of meat strictly follows precedent .
17 In fact , George Every , then a lay brother at Kelham , with whom I had started a correspondence , told me later that Eliot , while praising some individual points , had said that the general impression it gave was of material being put through a machine and coming out the other side more or less as it was before .
18 ‘ The producers told me later that I got the job because of the winning chemistry between us — and that Pauline had put in a good word for me .
19 He told me later that he had only been a guard for fifteen months , also that the normal takings on this section of the line were approximately £10 , so he was only too pleased to work out a 26% discount for a group booking that realised BR £77.35 from our party .
20 A Munich brewer told me derisively that Weissbier was a local term from Swabia ( to the west ) .
21 He very quickly told me off because I was a bit absentminded .
22 Well he told me off because he was out on the erm bank sledging , outside the hotel so I called him in .
23 In fact , I remember when I first introduced him to my father and before he 'd said a word , I said , ‘ This is my father ’ who told me afterwards that he had n't realized that it was a boy because I mean … long hair — his hair was really long .
24 People who visited Saddam 's bunker told me afterwards that it was like an underground city .
25 The Jewish family got back their papers and told me afterwards that if I had n't been there to see it , God knows what might have happened to them .
26 Someone told me afterwards that when I went like that
27 She made some tea , she told me afterwards and stayed and stayed and stayed and he lived at Prindon and his mother was very very deaf and my mother got worried because he was going away the next day and she said to him , Len do n't you think you ought to spend the evening with your mother and he said , yes , I 'll go now and he ran off and he ran back again and he said , you do n't mind if I write to Ivy do you ?
28 ‘ You never told me before that you did n't like my company , Catherine ! ’ cried Heathcliff .
29 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
30 A woman told me recently that when she said that she would prefer not to have one , her obstetrician exclaimed : ‘ Not have an enema ?
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