Example sentences of "tell [n mass] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Birdie Mac in the sweet shop told people that it took a great amount of faith these days to realise that God was fair-minded .
2 Mr Parkinson told MPs that he welcomed the report by Sir Anthony Hidden , QC .
3 Sitting up in her hospital bed in the Lancashire resort 's Victoria Hospital , Nicola told staff that she was trying to make her money go further by making for the seaside town .
4 Obviously , we have information about poverty and deficiencies in Strathclyde , and it is right that local authorities and organisations tell people that they are entitled to benefits .
5 When I tell people that I spent 10 years in the European Parliament , they tell me that I was a hedonist .
6 I 've been to the open-air theatre on the island every year since it opened , and I always tell people that you 've never really seen Shakespeare until you 've seen it on Brownsea .
7 Tell people that you are going to meet Linford Christie , and women go coy and men go bawdy , and it is all because of the shorts , the blatant visual précis of the image .
8 Wilkinson added : ‘ When I am old and grey I will tell people that I was there when Eric Cantona scored that goal against Chelsea . ’
9 So I 'd tell people that I should n't really be listening to them , and they 'd get quite upset …
10 We receive letters telling us that a notice was put on a board in the office telling people that they could claim .
11 I am also going to stop telling people that I 'm a ‘ pretty good driver ’ .
12 So please take on board that it is not good enough to answer that a notice was put up to tell people that they could claim , when many people are blind or disabled or do not have the wherewithal to understand .
13 Now that my divorce has come through we thought it was time to tell people that we were getting married and start seeing each other openly .
14 And even if it and are you supposed to tell people that you 're recording what they 're saying or just record it
15 That 's why it 's best not to tell people that you 're doing it you see because then they they 're careful what they say .
16 ‘ It would n't be very nice , would it , if I had to tell people that I had a mean niece . ’
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