Example sentences of "over a [noun sg] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The pin is often positioned on the right-hand side , just over a ridge which runs across the front of the green .
2 Gerry Fitt with the full support of his party brought down the last Labour government over a decision which greatly enhanced the SDLP 's standing .
3 A second planning battle looks set to break out over a building which was used by gospel worshippers in Darlington .
4 I recall my partner panting , puffing and praying his way over a traverse which in no way resembled the route description , to arrive with abject horror at my belay .
5 He pointed out that although my title was an attractive one — since there was such a thing as a ‘ servile ’ society , namely a totalitarian one — the reader would assume that I was using the word liberal in the modern sense , which was certainly not my intention , He then went meticulously through my argument , and it almost pained me that he should take so much trouble over a work which I can not think it deserved .
6 If , as suggested above , he faced considerable initial hostility , and presided over a government which some churchmen found oppressive , religion could have been one way in which opposition was expressed .
7 But , two years later , he is presiding over a government which is clobbering the poorest in our society harder than anyone else .
8 Officials say that as a result of Mr Hindmarsh 's letter , bosses in the Darlington area which stretches to Middlesbrough , Hawes , Spennymoor and Northallerton , will preside over a service which will diminish in quality .
9 For the Maronites , a Muslim leader represented the victory of Arab nationalism ( and Islam ) over a country which they and the French regarded as a pro-Western , Christian homeland .
10 He was wearing a silvery Italian suit over a T-shirt which read HONK IF YOU LIKE HUNKS .
11 Barcelona only released Koeman after the Dutch Football Federation had threatened both the club and the Spanish FA with legal action over a clause which stipulates the number of matches for which their foreign-based players have to be released during the season .
12 But as we walked further the noise we had heard , which at first might have been taken for wind and rain , began to break up into shouts , cries , calls , over a ground-bass which I can only call a sigh : a deep sigh , repeated over and over , as if the wide world itself were sighing .
13 All categories will compete in the same field over a course which includes two water splashes .
14 CHELSEA defender Paul Elliott is ready to sue Liverpool and their former striker Dean Saunders over a tackle which threatens his career .
15 Norwich defender John O'Neill is still proceeding with a claim against Wimbledon striker John Fashanu over a tackle which forced him to quit .
16 Saunders has a cloud over him with the possibility of legal action by Paul Elliott over a tackle which ruled out the Chelsea defender for the season .
17 The Labour leader , John Smith , and his colleagues will certainly be grinding their teeth over a strategy which pre-empts their own promise to draw up longer-term plans for the economy .
18 The statement " Either A or B is the murderer " entitles both A and B to sue , over a statement which carries the defamatory meaning that there is a substantial prospect that each is guilty .
19 First , there is the early Marxist approach of Ian Taylor which emphasises that hooligan behaviour is a symbolic attempt by working-class fans to restore some control over a game which they feel increasingly alienated from .
20 Taylor 's ( 1971a ; 1971b ) Marxist approach sees contemporary spectator violence as a consequence of the increasing loss of control experienced by working-class football supporters over a game which they previously regarded as theirs .
21 Oriel windows projected over a void which fell away forever to the very edge of the universe itself , if such an edge existed .
22 A TV researcher was arrested yesterday over a programme which claimed the RUC and Loyalist death squads colluded in murder .
23 JAGUAR and General Motors were last night locked in crucial talks over a deal which would safeguard the luxury car maker from being taken over by the rival US motor giant Ford .
24 A BUS company is anxiously waiting to hear if a Government minister will break the deadlock over a deal which could bring a Sainsbury superstore to Darlington .
25 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
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