Example sentences of "thing [that] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 There were other things that had to be reconciled , and we hear presently of ‘ a role of inherent superiority which came to me from outside , from the servants among others .
2 Clair George , listing the things that had to be done — — finding private money , transferring it out of the country , buying arms , shipping them , procuring boats and aircraft — noted that North had been obliged to do all this ‘ with a gum band and some balsa wood ’ .
3 But seeing the confusion on her desk , all the things that had to be done , she lost heart .
4 Branson had drawn up what was to become known as the ‘ Million List ’ — the number of things that had to be taken care of in the next three months before the airline could fly .
5 There was a whole host of things that had to be monitored by the stewards er on a daily basis .
6 In his reference to the poll tax , the hon. Member for Teignbridge referred to the many things that had to be built on to it and the many anomalies that had to be addressed .
7 Well I often think there , there could be something for women priests because they would see the more practical things that had to be done
8 Scholarship and sport and money and poetry : four of the things that mattered to the young Welshman , and something else he needed more : opportunity .
9 Sorry what were the erm things that related to personality ?
10 He could n't believe that those nobs in the West End were willing to pay good money for things that seemed to him to be nothing more than unnecessary luxuries .
11 Hearing the sound of his footsteps at the bottom of the stairs , she quickly pulled on the first things that came to hand — a pair of well-worn jeans that clung lovingly to her like a second skin , and a sweatshirt .
12 In other words , the very things that led to the development of the laws of war in the first place are still with us .
13 The writer has used the plan as an aid to memory , jotting down , in a haphazard fashion , things that come to mind or seem useful .
14 There 's something special about things that come to us over the centuries . ’
15 It 's such things that get to your heart . ’
16 Only the usual day-to-day things that get to everyone after a while .
17 I think one of the things that has to be addressed is not " who does this belong to ? " but " what is the basis for a common approach ? " so that we can get a common assessment policy so that we can get reassessment whenever it 's required , so that we can get packages of care devised that are appropriate to the needs of people and so on .
18 Some are things that have to be known if anything at all is to be known .
19 They find a backlog of work building up , in which important but less urgent planning and discussing never get to the top of the pile , being submerged by the constant stream of things that have to be dealt with immediately .
20 I mean , there must be meetings you have to go to , people you 've got to see , things that have to be organised . ’
21 But you 're right , there are several things that have to be dealt with immediately .
22 ‘ Why do n't we make a list of things that have to be done ? ’ she suggested practically .
23 When the object of man 's thought is God and the things that belong to God , then the will reaches the stage when it becomes love .
24 He has taken things that belong to us .
25 a lot of our erm work is i sort of the statutory things that comes to us , either through care orders or through the court or through supervision of children in particular .
26 The subsequent development of the jaw enabled the vertebrates to exploit a wider range of lifestyles than were available to the jawless fish , and it would not be too gross a generalization to say that much of the evolution of the vertebrates was intimately related to things that happened to jaws .
27 ‘ The hotel looked good — particularly the room service — but I do n't think I 'd want to have gone through the other things that happened to Kevin unless I had 50,000 policeman and 20,000 doctors with me to make sure I was okay . ’
28 It was just one of those things that happened to even the nicest people , and the sensible thing to do about it was pay £25 and turn up at a London hotel for a glass of sherry and an implicit promise of no humiliation if things did n't work out .
29 We have to work out some of the things that happened to Julie — and what her thoughts and feelings were .
30 1 Make a list of the main things that happened to her in the story .
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