Example sentences of "thing have [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For gradually over thousands of years , the Mother Goddess who gave birth to all things had lost her power as people realized that men had a role in procreation .
2 and er building trade work , both of these things had left me with the qualifications for be abl be able to do it .
3 Well , by the time things had sorted themselves out , Johnny Miller was nearest to us and we were paired with him .
4 She had run from the hotel , snapping off shots blindly ; but the adrenalin in her body , the clarity of thought , the way her subconscious had controlled her actions , all of these things had sharpened her shooting to perfection …
5 All her life things had happened which she had not arranged .
6 Hayley I tell you what , have a word with my mother because my mother 's done it for years , always taken tablets , and I reckon this is half her problem now cos she 's got to her old age she 's on the change , and these things have affected her throughout her life now .
7 Spink , who has been first choice since regaining the No 1 spot from Les Sealey in March , said : ‘ There was a time when my future seemed in jeopardy but things have turned my way again . ’
8 Where , why might it be that if , if we 're actually talking about this mutation and things have changed it ?
9 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
10 It 's funny how these things have got their origin , is n't it ?
11 Things have changed , things have improved you see .
12 Well of course I 've been saying for some time now , for some time , and I want to underline that , and I hope the government are listening that we 've had twenty thousand troops on our streets , we 've twelve thousand armed policemen on our streets , we have the strictest security laws in Western Europe , and none of these things have solved our problem .
13 I used to stick the rein , there was a little tiny , the thing has gone what 's on side of the cart , a little hook on the side of the cart , where I used to hook the reins on and she 'd just come home herself with me on top .
14 The whole thing has surpassed my greatest expectations . ’
15 ‘ As time has gone on , the whole thing has got him more and more down , so this is a great relief and a huge weight off his shoulders .
16 The whole thing has left me bitter — and tough . ’
17 It was one thing to have turned his own country into an ‘ underdeveloping ’ society , but to seek out the company of the other basket-cases of the world economy was to add gratuitous insult to already grave injury in the minds of most Romanians .
18 But I mean that 's a terrifying thing to have found him in
19 around about it , like whether we liked it or not , whether he was , it was a good thing to have had it , we should have been better not to have had it with the situation at the time , you know , that kind of mulling over might be
20 The Thing had said there were ways of growing plants under lights the same colour as the sun , in pots full of a sort of weak soup that helped plants grow .
21 When Maureen went to investigate , she discovered that the poor thing had lost its left wing .
22 It seemed , too , that the fusion thing had run its course and become fuzak , which made for too easy listening .
23 Yes oh yes , she 'd got Lucy in bed , made love — had sex ? — fucked with ? — there was n't really a phrase to fit how utterly strange the whole thing had made her feel .
24 But one thing had caught her attention .
25 Bloody thing 's blown everything in creation !
26 ‘ Well , I 've spent a year doing what the Thing 's told me and I 've never had so much as a ‘ thank you ’ , ’ said Masklin .
27 But Susan was saying she ca n't see how one thing 's got anything to do with the other , she did n't go joy riding
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