Example sentences of "down and [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Quiss bellowed ; he turned the attendant upside down and plonked its head into the bucket it had been carrying .
2 ‘ Great , great , ’ replied Ben , still laughing as he jumped down and rejoined his comrade in the jeep .
3 Shelley sipped her coffee , then put the mug down and swung her legs on to the cool tiled floor .
4 The man stayed on the other side , bent down and locked his hands behind her .
5 He knelt down and got his fingers into a crack in the floorboards .
6 Now that bull weighed nearly a ton , but he leapt off the ground like a bird ; hit Merry in the back and knelt down and got his horn between Merry 's legs .
7 I have some time to spare and would like to sit down and read my copy of the biography of Berlioz .
8 Yes , then you can come down and read your book , till daddy and Clare come back , god knows when they get back .
9 He sat down and beamed his good eye at the shine on his toecap .
10 She was trying to open it with one hand , while the other held the bearskin to her breasts , when Guy reached down and retrieved her shift .
11 The horse came to a stop before the porch , and the old servant got down and lugged her portmanteau out of the boot .
12 Gurder flung himself face down and buried his nose in it .
13 Once they had left , I locked myself in , went back to my desk , sat down and buried my head in my hands .
14 He bent down and touched her cheek with his .
15 Andrew set his cup down and unravelled his long legs .
16 ‘ 'E 's a spry ole thing , but he 's as soft as butter , ent you , ole boy ? ’ and he knelt down and ruffled his fur .
17 Dr Arnold lauded the Reference team as much as he did his favourite orchestra , who sat down and played his works without any rehearsals or having read the music .
18 ‘ I was raised on a farm , ’ she said , and she took the duck from Angelica and efficiently flipped it upside down and twisted its neck .
19 Sheila put her glass down and tossed her head .
20 I put the gun down and passed my hand over my eyes .
21 When she read how the Lord looked down and saw his people were ‘ all together become filthy ’ she trembled .
22 When I went down and saw his studio I came out so elated .
23 When I went down and saw his studio I came out so elated .
24 He looked down and saw his colleague still lying in the mud , not daring to move .
25 I immediately sat down and wrote my one and only letter to NME , an angry broadside detailing what was wrong with the paper .
26 Then I sat down and wrote my family a letter .
27 But when he looked down and met his daughter 's eyes , the certainty there disturbed him .
28 Harry was a little diffident to begin with , but he soon settled down and made his first appearance for Palace at outside-right when he came into the side for season 1922–23 on 30 September at Leicester .
29 This was a very old set and did not always work ; as I did not make contact with the control tower I came round and I saw that it was all clear for me to land , so I put my wheels down and made my approach .
30 These young teenagers all millions of them all in this group that came down and took their bras and oh
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