Example sentences of "down [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 AN EERIE silence will descend on the steel town of Motherwell next weekend when the big Ravenscraig strip mill winds down for a long and unwelcome seasonal break .
2 She knew only , as they made their slow way along the beach back to the town , that she felt exhausted but peaceful , even momentarily carefree , as if she had shed burdens that had been weighing her down for a long time .
3 Susan went to bed early , and Breeze and Gay made themselves toast and welsh rarebit , and settled down for a long evening by the fire .
4 Everyone quietly settled down for a long wait .
5 They settled down for a long siege and so did the outside world .
6 He hired a car and took the boy down for a long weekend at the St. Mellion Golf and Country Club .
7 By this time , Lou and Charlie had moved too — the business had been running down for a long period and there was no point in staying in a flat over a shop that did n't exist any more .
8 They were enjoying the first fresh food they had had in weeks before settling down for a long , well-earned rest .
9 Before he 'd even put the head down after a long flight to Glasgow , Lindi was expressing his confidence about Monday 's outcome .
10 He used to bring these tubs down into a long turnout .
11 They were looking down into a long dark cellar , lit by a brazier at one end .
12 After 1772 the " turnpike mania " settled down in a long steady progress to an eventual 22,000-mile peak in 1836 , accelerated only in the widespread speculative investment booms of the early 1790s , 1809 – 12 and the mid 1820s .
13 well either two or four times er turned down on a long handle for pouring things er out of the , I mean like , when I used
14 Their congregations of ‘ Independents ’ were justly named in a society settling down to a long period of outward conformity and growing indifference to religion .
15 The ridged pasture was falling away in front of Sharpe , sloping down to a long dark oak wood from which a cart track ran north towards a big stone-walled farm that looked like a miniature fort .
16 With a solar-type star , however , the temperature rises to ten million degrees or so , and nuclear reactions are triggered off , so that the star settles down to a long period of stable existence .
17 Anyway , I came back into his office and gave him his coffee , and was just getting down to a long bout of conveyancing when the phone in our room rang .
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