Example sentences of "even if it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Even if it falls down after that , they 're alright .
2 Answer two : a crime novel may still be crime fiction , as opposed to pure fiction , even if it abandons altogether that prime staple of blueprint detective fiction , the murder puzzle .
3 ‘ Not even if it turns out to be an intruder ? ’ asked Pascoe .
4 Hence , Freeman is refuted since presumably other explanations are conceivable , even if it turns out they are n't very interesting .
5 Unlike billiards , however , rather than a clean ‘ hit or miss ’ , the repulsion of the two positively charged nuclei causes a curvature in the ion 's path even if it passes to the side of the atom .
6 Yeah but even if it says virgin it can still
7 Therefore , we should be very wary indeed of ( e ) and ( f ) types of statements unless we are sure that there is something really negative that has to be exposed and which , even if it hurts people in the process , is nevertheless necessary .
8 Even if it meets these conditions , it will not be entitled to the concessions unless , at no time during the year , has it , or any member of the group of which it is a member , been a public company , a banking or insurance company or an authorised person under the Financial Services Acts and , if it is a parent company , unless the group qualifies as a small or medium-sized group .
9 Even if it happens that I have made a firm decision to commit suicide , and have been wondering for weeks how to cheat the insurance company , the failure to jump would accord with my intention only by chance .
10 I hope that the succeeding chapters will go at least some way towards building flesh and sinew , face and character — even if it happens to be , as on Tafahi island , a North German face and character — on to the dry , lifeless bones of economists ' figures .
11 It is too early yet to say how useful the discourse approach will be , but even if it achieves nothing else , it can at least be claimed to have shown the inadequacy of attempting to analyse the function of intonation on the basis of isolated sentences or tone-units , removed from their linguistic and situational context .
12 Picture yourself having chosen each option in turn , and see whether it feels good , even if it feels scary .
13 It never happens completely spontaneously , even if it feels that way .
14 If the decision is illegal it can be quashed ; otherwise the court can not ( with one exception ) intervene , even if it thinks the decision to be wrong in some respect .
15 According to King Hassan II and his government , the prison does not exist — or , even if it does , the people all love the King so much it would be unsafe to release the prisoners — they might be killed by the populace .
16 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am not sure if this will reach you and I know that even if it does you will not reply .
17 IT IS CURIOUS how an intervening bid , even if it does not have any great pre-emptive value , can throw a spanner in the opponents ' works .
18 ‘ It 's very difficult to do because if you are n't careful you just write down a series of platitudes , but I think that a statement of aims and beliefs is very necessary even if it does look platitudinous . ’
19 Cricket can be boring when Botham behaves , and snooker needs Alex Higgins even if it does not like to say so .
20 Nothing wrong with that , you might think , even if it does represent more than 70 times last year 's earnings — a price-earnings ratio of Japanese proportions .
21 Syria is unlikely to block an attack on Iraq , even if it does not join it .
22 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
23 A reputation for being fair , just , reasonable and courageous is worth winning even if it does mean occasionally upsetting some people .
24 Even if it does not lead one to obey authority more often than one would otherwise , it affects one 's reasons and the significance of one 's actions .
25 If you are involved in a nanny share , depending on the financial arrangements , l it may be viewed as a business even if it does not feel like one !
26 Marriage , even if it does not rest for its validity on the capacity for ‘ normal heterosexual intercourse ’ , has an intrinsic quality of bisexuality .
27 Even if it does , on whom can the trust be charged ?
28 Even if it does not we will need to replace ageing power stations .
29 Even if it does , the idea that it penetrates the gut wall , leaving tiny holes , is questionable .
30 This is an enjoyable collection , even if it does seem to lack the careful planning so evident in the rest of this outstanding series . ( )
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