Example sentences of "even [subord] [pron] get " in BNC.

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1 Even if one gets different results , they are still publishable without necessarily running into head-on confrontation with the earlier claims .
2 There was still much danger : the palace was heavily guarded , and even if they got away King Minos had many warships which could chase and sink them .
3 Even if they got to the superleague then were repeatedly humiliated 6 nil I would be happy despite it making them yet more money .
4 ‘ Their reactions ought to be recorded , ’ he believes , ‘ even if they get out of the City . ’
5 But Dexter countered : ‘ Even if they get their vote , they are only one vote in 20 on the TCCB . ’
6 Even if they get me , I 'll go down fighting . ’
7 But then even if they do that and even if they get the franchise , they 're not going to be able to say , we can now hold on to it for five , or seven , years , however long the franchise is going to be , because if another bidder comes along in the meantime and says , we rather like this ourselves , they 'll be thrown off .
8 Norris McWhirter and friends have told Mr Lawer and his navigator John Hinton , that the twenty-country tour of Europe they 're planning , wo n't make them record-breakers — even if they get to San Marino .
9 Norris McWhirter and friends have told Mr Lawer and his navigator John Hinton , that the twenty-country tour of Europe they 're planning , wo n't make them record-breakers — even if they get to San Marino .
10 Even if they get something that 's better than nothing
11 It 's okay , even if they get send down then of course they can still appeal but you ca n't it 's ridiculous
12 If we can sort of get them out for a night or even if they get back at twelve .
13 Even if we get him to comb his hair , it 'll be too much of a shock for Professor Thornton . ’
14 so that even if we get a young person coming out of the workshops that may not be the best electrician going , we can find them something in a related area — an electrical warehouse , where their knowledge of the bits that they know will be put to good use and they 'll still be in that environment they want to work in .
15 Leeds can never relax and play and Arsenal/Norwich type game , because even if we get ahead we always look likely to concede goals .
16 Er , and the courts by and large agree to erm , give us the seventy pounds out ev every time , but even so , even if we get the award of the costs , then the difficulty is , is , is in getting those costs in .
17 then even if we get the increase in work we will not have the staff available to cope with it ,
18 Even if he gets round your leg guard and starts kicking you , keep going .
19 Well the man in the white waistcoat followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into even if he gets stuck in a chimney , worse thing that he the gentleman in the white waistcoat appeared his only chance he has is
20 say it , even if he gets C Ds , he 's not be getting into college is he ?
21 Normally you will have to pay this fixed amount , even if you get a full rent rebate .
22 Even if you get discouraged from seeing no results from all your efforts , what you write makes a difference .
23 However even if you get maximum assistance with the Poll Tax , you will still have to pay a fifth of your Poll tax bill .
24 You 're in a dead end as far as Charlie 's records are concerned , and even if you get your hands on them you 've no guarantee they 'll be of any use .
25 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
26 My Lords , I , I do realise and I have to be satisfied with that erm and I shall do my best , but if I could just make my absolutely clear , simple proposition that I was seeking to perform is that if you are seeking to amend the law i i it ought to be possible for those who are seeking to understand the Government 's intentions to find out relatively easily what the law is and I suggest it 's very far from easy and even if you get to it , it 's not at all easy to understand .
27 Even if you get a flat you worry about delays in your housing benefit .
28 even if you get them wrong , I 'll put them right , it 's the only way you 'll learn
29 Alison said even if you get a two they 're gon na , you know bigger is better than
30 this is where the schools I think are partly to blame , okay , yes they encourage you to do exams which is good but they do n't tell you that you 're gon na have difficulty getting a job even if you get A levels and all that , they sort of say oh yeah you , you stand a better chance of getting a job , but , its still , its still difficult .
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