Example sentences of "even [conj] she have " in BNC.

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1 It was going to be worse even than she had feared .
2 Even in the fading light it impressed her , if only because it was worse even than she had imagined — or Lionel had said .
3 Beforehand she had combed her hair by the light of the flashlamp , smoothed and rearranged her clothes but even if she had n't Moran would not have noticed this evening .
4 ‘ So Miss Morgan would have got the lion 's share of the other two hundred thousand even if she had agreed to break up the trust ?
5 There was never any need to explain things to him ( even if she had wanted to ) .
6 Even if she had n't sussed out who had ordered the stuff , she should have asked for his advice and help in disposing of it .
7 She still giggled girlishly and reverted to the old tomboy type during TV and radio appearances , cleverly signalling to her fans that even if she had become their older sister , she was still their favourite sister .
8 When your mother was Lorna Lewis , and still got called the last great blonde in Hollywood even if she had n't made a picture for ages , it was , worse than gross , it was a total bummer .
9 If he had told Mrs Wilson this and even if she had believed him , she may not have wished to help him .
10 Jenny was nine , and even if she had n't been adventurous she would probably have fallen in the river anyway , because there was nothing much to do at Dale End but get into mischief .
11 ‘ There 's no bus , and even if she had a bike it 's too far for her to ride both ways . ’
12 Even if she had stole some wine , ’ Rab said .
13 It seemed there would n't be time to do any prying even if she had the money to go to Chertsey , which she did n't .
14 Even if she had n't been linked to the blackamoor , the cards were stacked against flight .
15 Shaking with terror , her heart pounding , she could n't have broken free even if she had wanted .
16 Bitterly , she realised that her night at The Angel with Freddie Nash had shackled her in a way which , even if she had stopped to think about the possible consequences at the time , she could scarcely have envisaged .
17 Even if she had heard the locomotive 's whistle as it entered the tunnel , she would not have had time to run to the bridge in time to meet Mr Cross as he parked his car in the goods yard .
18 But even if she had , it was unlikely Harriet would have heard her .
19 Not because the Harlequin man had sullied Meh'Lindi in Jaq 's eyes , oh no , no question of such a despicable thought — but because Carnelian had used pleasure as a weapon , therefore Meh'Lindi must reject dalliance with any such delights ; even if she had felt the faintest inclination to dally in the first place , and that was a dubious proposition .
20 She was probably prepared to trust the cardinal archbishop when he undertook to guarantee her son 's safety and , even if she had doubts , she may have preferred an arrangement involving Bourgchier to the risk of forcing Gloucester into unilateral action .
21 Maybe she 'd rather see her friend first , even if she had to cry after , ’ Nick said .
22 Nor had she any means of forming an independent judgment even if she had desired to do so .
23 She had nothing planned , unless it was to go to a cinema show with Jules , and even if she had , there was nothing she would not have cancelled in order to be with Harry .
24 He left her so abruptly that she could not have stopped him even if she had known what to say .
25 Well , no point in denying it , she took after her mother 's side of the family for looks even if she had her dad 's brains , and Mrs. Pridmore had no intention of exposing her to the temptations of London .
26 she knew she would save Billy , even if she had to die for it .
27 But without her virtue , even if she had been beautiful , she would n't have been worth the weight of her little toe in dross .
28 And even if she had cried out , who takes any notice of anyone shouting , even screaming ?
29 But at least the mystery was nearing a solution — even if she had no idea why Luke Hunter should want to go out to dinner with a woman whose sole contact with him up till now had been violently centred somewhere round the solar plexus .
30 And even if she had decided to use a delivery service , there would normally be a full check-list to be ticked off before parting with any money .
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