Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] will [be] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Harvey does so with a clarity and beauty of expression that make his book worth reading even by those who will be sceptical of what he describes .
2 ‘ Those who are to be returned to unit as unsuitable can come overland together with those who will be required to form a second squadron to operate in a later phase . ’
3 They also tend to assume , conveniently , that those who will be affected by the change , have the same information .
4 Acquiring a good interview technique is as important for people employing one person to work directly for them as it is for those who will be taking on large numbers to work for a company .
5 After careful consideration , after discussion with those who will be closely affected by your final decision , and adhering firmly to the job specification already drawn up , list your requirements under the appropriate heading .
6 membership of Parliament ; the summoning of a new one , in consequence , gives rise to the need to identify those who will be entitled to sit in it .
7 To her it may seem that not only was she robbed of happiness during her marriage , but that she is now also being denied the right to grieve as well , for there will be those who will be expecting her mourning to be nothing more than a brief bow to convention , followed by a fairly speedy rise in spirits and return to normality .
8 However , later in this chapter there are some general suggestions which may be of assistance to those who will be responsible for incorporating into statements modifications to the National Curriculum requirements .
9 The questions must avoid ambiguities which is not as easy as it might seem , it is desirable to obtain several opinions about the interpretation of each question from the same kind of people as those who will be in the survey .
10 In it , the researcher tries out the questionnaire on a number of people who are similar to those who will be investigated in the actual research .
11 Students and carers are likely to be among those who will be affected by this .
12 This is to be achieved by the separation between those who will be responsible for purchasing care ( DHAs and budget holding GPs ) and the providers of care ( i.e. opted out NHS hospital trusts , the independent sector and directly managed NHS hospitals ) ( see Figure 7.1 ) .
13 One of those who will be first to move , Mrs Jean Cooke , a secretary in the Sales Department , said , ‘ I have seen the plans for new offices and it is going to be super .
14 Since international trade law is largely dispositive and is designed primarily to facilitate international transactions between business enterprises it is only sensible to try out proposals on those who will be affected by them to see whether they will really work .
15 Women — who have been among the poorest of the poor — are primordially those who will be liberated .
16 The summary which follows is a guide to the probable areas of difficulty , based on the current levels of performance of pupils a year or more younger than those who will be taking GCSE .
17 All of the following activities will give rise to a need to communicate with media and therefore the need for a carefully selected list of those who will be interested .
18 For important projects , one may also use an advisory board representing those who will be most influenced by the project .
19 This applies to those who will be employed by others and to the many who may expect , for part or all of their working lives , to be self-employed .
20 Doubtless one of the reasons for this approach is that Parliament is presumed to have considered the interests of those who will be affected by the undertaking or works and decided that benefits from them should outweigh any necessary adverse side effects .
21 There is , of course , something risible about proposing that armies of 70-year-olds should come to the rescue of those older still , and by no means all of those who will be among the young elderly in the year 2010 will want to perform that role .
22 We would pray for those who are in training and especially for those who will be ordained in your church this summer .
23 It has to be remembered that the students whose grants were due to end in 1984 had commenced their research work before the expansionist IT Initiative , and are smaller in number than those who will be completing their research work ( or grant entitlement ) from the mid-1980s onwards .
24 Secondly , what are the mother tongues of those who will be using the grammar to learn the language ? if the mother tongue is related to the target language , many features which the languages have in common will not need to be drilled .
25 For those who will be offshore at Christmas time , a video entitled ‘ A carol for christmas ’ has been prepared .
26 Considerable work has been done on arrangements , not only for accommodation but for the resettlement of those who will be leaving the service in the course of the rundown .
27 It fears that universities will have to pick up the tab , and it draws a sharp distinction between those who will be non-payers and those who will get 25 per cent .
28 They must be correct down to the last detail , in the interests of those who will be affected and in the interests of the project .
29 Couples & Families : The University regrets that the above guarantee only applies to single students , and not to those who will be bringing their partners or children with them .
30 For all the holders of claims on the fund would have to be compensated for loss of development value those who will be allowed to develop their land as well as those who will not ’ .
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