Example sentences of "those who [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You see how the Wolfkings reward those who dare to go against them ? ’
2 Those who dare to venture off public rights of way find themselves harassed and evicted .
3 In our crazy ‘ value — free ’ society the ‘ shame ’ is now attached only to those who dare to say that homosexuality is less than ‘ gay ’ .
4 Soon all those who dare to smile or weep at the wrong moment will be sent to the poles … a cruel ruler will seize power , everyone who does not learn to keep silent will be put in prison and the extermination of mankind will begin . ’
5 Alas , mythology usually relates that those who dare to challenge the gods pay a stiff price for their temerity .
6 ( Champagne 's a tradition set by the early pioneers for those who dare to cross the Timor Sea . )
7 This means that there is financial discrimination operating between those clients who use a law centre and those who may go to a solicitor with the same problem and who will then have to pay fees or a contribution towards the cost under the Legal Aid or Legal Advice schemes .
8 Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions … and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new .
9 To those who may view his findings as ‘ some new revolutionary theory ’ Dr Barsamian 's reply is straightforward : ‘ such people , ’ he states , ‘ deny evidence without evaluating it . ’
10 These skills will also lead nurses into better communications with their multidisciplinary colleagues with whom they work closely or those who may visit the clinical setting in the course of their work , such as technical staff .
11 Children who are too young to understand explanations of their situation , or those who may suffer from learning difficulties understandably come into this category .
12 Many still claim the right to indulge in smoking , but they have a responsibility to care for those who may suffer from respiratory conditions .
13 They do not care about the people in the industry or those who may serve .
14 Stuff there is for those who may arrive without a car .
15 Information for those who wish to return , for those who may return at some future date , and those who just wish to be kept abreast of developments should be incorporated .
16 There are some differences , however , and these are best understood if we consider first those who may vote in local elections and second those who may be elected as councillors .
17 This is at least the third CD issued recently of Liszt 's Third Concerto — a genuine work for those who may harbour doubts .
18 For example , the two competing public interests in employment cases are : ( a ) a person should be held to his promise ; and ( b ) every person should be free to exercise his skill and experience to the best advantage of himself and of those who may want to employ him ( see Lord Atkinson in Morris ( Herbert ) v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 ) .
19 ‘ As Scotland is little known to the greater part of those who may read these observations , it is not superfluous to relate that under the name Aberdeen are comprised two towns standing about a mile distant from each other , but governed , I think , by the same magistrates . ’
20 As we explain further in Chapter 7 in relation to certain marketing arrangements , the careful planning and drafting of the various categories of agreement covered by block exemptions is of pivotal importance in commercial and corporate planning as a defence to those who may wish to attack commercial agreements of their competitors .
21 This is intended to be an introduction to the project and therefore there will be no admission charge to the site on this occasion , although a couple of conation boxes will be suitably positioned for those who may wish to assist the project in this way !
22 Since internal examinations are common it is important that doctors respect the needs of those who may require particularly sensitive handling .
23 It is clear that the warp and woof of everyday life in stepfamilies differs from that of unbroken families not merely because of external constraints which frustrate the efforts of those who may seek , as some do , to recast their family lives in the mould of the nuclear family , but that family norms themselves may also be markedly altered , tempered to fit the limits of the new situation and fabricated anew from the post-marital residue of family beliefs and sentiments .
24 Further , by wills and settlements , provision may be made for those who may come into existence at a future time , subject to the rule against perpetuities , which forbids any disposition which is not certain to take effect ( if it takes effect at all ) within lives in being and twenty-one years afterwards ; but a life in being includes a person en ventre sa mere at the time when the will or settlement takes effect .
25 While there are those who may see this as a canny means of winning market share and believe that the participating publishers must be giving an arm and a leg in discount to obtain such control , the publishers concerned view it in less Machiavellian terms .
26 When a person 's property is insufficient for payment of his debts , it would obviously be unfair that the creditors who first obtain judgement and execution should be paid in full , leaving nothing to those who may try to enforce their claims later ; nor is it desirable that a man should indefinitely remain under a load of debts which ( it may be through no fault of his own ) he is unable to meet .
27 For ten years Frelimo , the ruling party in Mozambique , has operated a system by which party members are publicly elected by each community in a manner which effectively rules out those who may have opposing views .
28 They also offered a few words of comfort to those who may have been encouraged by the church to believe their lifestyles were sinful : ‘ We can assure lesbians and gays of heaven .
29 In developed countries vitamin A may also have a role in those with life threatening infections such as measles and those who may have a relative deficiency , such as premature infants .
30 This also will widen still further the constituency of those who may have a real claim to some kind of formal association with the University when they qualify on completing their courses .
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