Example sentences of "those who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 I asked him if the fundamental problem is that those who have are too selfish to help .
2 SUICIDE was thought damnable in the Middle Ages , and I expect there are those who have been brought to feel by a book called The Monument that the Middle Ages had a point .
3 In deference to custom , there was a party in the child 's honour , central to which was a dish of peas , which symbolises the lessening of grief to those who have been in sorrow — never far from the Jewish consciousness , and of particular relevance to this family ; a copy of the scriptures was placed in the child 's hands , along with a pen — how especially appropriate for this child ! — which will have been followed by the usual Talmudic discussions in which , no doubt , Lyon and Solomon will have capped each other 's comments .
4 The only people who will go for a pub will be those who have been made redundant from their jobs and will consider taking leases .
5 Amongst those who have been appalled by the bolting is local activist Malcolm Baxter .
6 But for the moment , that 's not the point — which is rather that those who have been , legitimately or at least understandably , affronted by the pretensions of Olson as poet should not therefore write him off as anything but what he was : an exceptionally earnest and magnanimous man , and a man moreover who knew , as few poets since John Milton have known , what the polity looks like from the point of view of those who administer it day by day .
7 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
8 The agony of An Outcast of the Islands is heightened by several occasions when the meeting of eyes between those who have been in love is one of terrifying intensity .
9 You can never hope to achieve the professionalism of those who have been in a single business all their lives and hence you need quickly to get to know those whose opinions you can trust .
10 It is vital , however , that agencies involved in alternatives to care continue to listen to those who have been through the system .
11 Third , they [ the Western Allies ] respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of Government under which they will live ; and they will wish to see sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them .
12 But like many articulate and intelligent people , even those trained to search out the hidden structures of literature , even those who have been moved by great art or fascinated by the most remote biographical details from the lives of writers ( such as the information that Ibsen on occasion wrote with a scorpion in a jar on his desk ) , he nonetheless had little or no access to the springs of his own emotions .
13 Those who have been bereaved will say that they do not know how to behave as newly-bereaved people .
14 As will be seen in the section on training , 95% of those who have been on an ATB course saw ‘ less time and effort ’ as one of the main benefits to themselves .
15 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
16 For those who have been closely watching the developments in the current Intergovernmental Conferences of the European Community , the Dutch proposals of September 1991 confirmed their deepening concern .
17 Ever enthusiastic , a similar report followed the following week speaking of the untiring energy of the Committee and so on , and including the following paragraph — ‘ Of course , there have been those pessimistic folk about who have done all in their power to discourage those who have been endeavouring to bring about this deserved end , and have scoffed at the idea of ever raising the amount of money necessary .
18 Considerable evidence shows that , to date , those who have been successful through industrialisation and urbanisation have not been an independent , dynamic and progressive force in Latin America , but why ?
19 All the students , even those who have been staring out of the window , react to this .
20 Those who have been daydreaming or carving their initials into the desktops sit up .
21 Those who have been taking notes continue to do so with even greater assiduousness .
22 This is the polar opposite of those who have been brainwashed by an ideology , and who lose all sense of being individuals .
23 Those who have been filled with all the previous beatitudes of Christ now overflow in mercy to those around them .
24 Later on , however , it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it .
25 The feast gives us a graphic picture of the character of God , showing how he loves to redeem those who have been lost , to restore the lives which have been wasted .
26 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
27 Even acute fear of dentistry may be more than just fear of the drill : California dentist James Rota says that women who are most frightened of dentists are those who have been sexually molested as children .
28 However the 1988 Act took away this right of appeal from everyone , except those who have been in the country for more than seven years .
29 Teachers have had to adapt to the need to allow their pupils this kind of responsibility and self-propulsion , and for those who have been accustomed to telling their pupils in detail how to defeat the examiners on the fateful day , this has been a great change .
30 There is even a condition known as ‘ intensive care psychosis ’ which is said to affect about twenty per cent of those who have been patients in hospital intensive care units .
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