Example sentences of "those of [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He recalls that US researchers came up with a list of programmes of which they approved , including The Waltons , and those of which they disapproved , including the old Batman series , with its camp humour and captions saying ‘ Pow ’ when he punched the baddie .
2 Analogy means that the events being investigated are essentially similar in kind to those of which we ourselves have direct experience .
3 Even those of which we have evidence are very daunting creatures — and the most surprising descendants to have sprung from the simple little shells that first appeared 600 million years ago .
4 ( Compare ideals of love of which this is true with those of which it is not . )
5 While Between explores the discursive role of women from a semiotic perspective and isolates characteristically female forms of language use which hold the potential for critical examination of our contemporary cultural ‘ mythologies ’ , the object-discourses on which Thru works are those of which it is itself an object .
6 He had already recognised that she was wearing poor clothing , and it was also obvious that she was taking her work seriously enough to sacrifice her privileged lifestyle and live among those of whom she wrote .
7 To the men of the Second Army he declared in a vibrant Order of the Day : ‘ You will be those of whom it will be said — ‘ they barred the way to Verdun ! ’ ’
8 Under the Social Security Act 1971 , a man is liable to maintain his wife and children , including those of whom he has been adjudged the putative father , and a woman is liable to maintain her husband and children .
9 Each token , a seal of approval awarded by the minister to those of whom he approved morally that week , had to be handed up on Sunday ; those without tokens could not receive the sacrament .
10 ‘ Ah , but we 're not a poor servant girl , really , are we ? ’ said Dr Neil , his head on one side again , the scar presented to her ; it was a sign that despite his mockery he had accepted her , for with those of whom he was unsure , or not used to , he always attempted to shield them from its sight .
11 The resistance to taking mental events as spatial seems also to have to do with something less specific , pertaining to those of them which are perceptual and also those which are representative .
12 Those of them which were not about the Englishman 's standard of living ( no peasant wooden shoes and no Irish potatoes ) were shared by many of the " middling people " ; these were the issues and they were more important than any lingering popular Jacobitism , although that sentiment certainly existed .
13 The answer is surely that they occupied a very special place in the lives of many young middle-class men and especially in the lives of those of them who were budding artists , writers , or intellectuals , who in short were Bohemians .
14 For those of them who do come to church , particular sensitivity and encouragement are needed and they should never be patronised .
15 The Samaritans — or at least those of them who were not entirely Hellenized — had built up a religious centre of their own on Mount Garizim in circumstances which contradictory legends have rendered unrecognizable .
16 " It is unlawful for any foreigner to enter the enclosure of the temple which is forbidden to the Jews , except to those of them who are accustomed to enter after purifying themselves in accordance with the law of the country .
17 Buyers on their part will make similar calculations ; and if at any time the price should rise considerably above 36s. they will argue that the supply will be much greater than the demand at that price : therefore even those of them who would rather pay that price than go unserved , wait ; and by waiting they help to bring the price down .
18 Because the sons of the primal father both loved and hated him the possibility arose that those of them who by luck or design chanced on their actual fathers in their hunt for women and killed him or drove him off ( most probably the former , the latter seems insufficiently traumatic ) would have gratified one side of their ambivalent feelings , but would by the same action have frustrated the other .
19 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
20 Those of you whose formative years encompassed the '60s can probably remember seeing Rolling Stone Brian Jones playing a Vox Teardrop guitar .
21 To those of you whose Community Councils are already members of CPRW , we hope you enjoy reading the annual report and support the work we are doing .
22 If we actually , very quickly , which round the world was meant to be , erm , those of you which are familiar with other countries , what about women in , say America , Ashley , are , are they , do they participate in the same way as they do here ?
23 Thanks to those of you who have already contributed .
24 We are most grateful to those of you who prayed for us on our recent visit to Zimbabwe .
25 And for those of you who want to learn about Picasso , try the library or go to a museum .
26 For those of you who invite people round for drinks on the spur of the moment , it is a very good idea to visit your local ‘ deli ’ and purchase a few packets of ready cooked canapé cups and miniature tartlet cases .
27 WEDDING CAKES AND CULTURAL HISTORY by Simon R. Charsley Routledge , £30 ; £9.99 THOSE of you who could not put down Rites of Marrying : the Wedding Industry in Scotland are in for a treat : now you can have your cake .
28 Those of you who have read my papers in Nature may know that these are now known as Briant Bodies , and fall into four distinct groups , which I have labeled Alpha , Beta , Gamma and Delta .
29 Danielle is a very happy and contented baby and I am a very happy and contented full time working mum — and as far as I 'm concerned that 's the best recommendation I can give to those of you who are in the same boat as I was of dreading re-entering the working world !
30 Those of you who did n't are guilty of not reading the questions properly .
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