Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [adv prt] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Debasement of the coinage led Wriothesley to call the Mint ‘ our holy anchor ’ ; its profits were such that he told Paget to keep its operations secret , ‘ for if it should come out that men 's things coming thither be thus employed , it would make them withdraw and so bring a lack ’ .
2 In case you fail to appreciate the lustre of this honour , I should point out that you have to do something pretty dreadful to be singled out for vilification in a sermon .
3 ( I should point out that I could not bring myself to a Japanese option ! )
4 Indeed , to put things into a proper perspective , I should point out that just such bantering on my new employer 's part has characterized much of our relationship over these months — though I must confess , I remain rather unsure as to how I should respond .
5 I should point out that nothing in this book should be construed as implying that I am an authority on the caves and potholes I mention .
6 Before looking at local economic strategies in more detail we should point out that the decline of consensus politics at the national level does not inevitably lead to an increase in local political activity .
7 ( I should point out that had it not been for my sister Etty , who had financed this latest venture , there would have been no printing business . )
8 We consider this comment to be without foundation and should point out that as a condition of the land being used as a permanent site for our mobile home , we have had to plant over 100 conifers , together with shrubs and rose bushes .
9 Stella Fearnley replies : In response to Richard Harwood 's comments , I feel I should point out that my article did not imply that the only perception of district societies is that of a practitioners ' club , and that this perception emerged from market research carried out among our members last year , not from my own opinions .
10 From a strictly medical viewpoint , I should point out that not every natural substance is harmless .
11 I should point out that the comparison was no aberration on the part of my family .
12 I should point out that not all scrummages are deliberately collapsed by front row players .
13 However , we should point out that decided cases relative to the question all turn on the individual facts , and it could certainly be argued that the tenancy was not a partnership asset … ’
14 Before I get hundreds of letters , I should point out that there is actually an easier way of locating files on a hard disk .
15 Lest we seem obsessed with sex , we should point out that only 18% of our respondents ranked it ‘ very ’ important in their lives — with the largest group ( 47% ) putting it at a more discreet ‘ quite ’ important .
16 I should point out that in one of the features of adhesions is that it takes two to tango , so to speak !
17 ( We should point out that you are not here being asked to use the co-ordinates for the purpose Lewis intended them for , to determine the truth of a sentence .
18 In spite of the uncertainty expressed in the HMI survey quoted above , the impression from the questionnaires was that substantially more activity took place on primary than secondary courses ( though we should point out that HMI considered in their survey that secondary teachers had better ‘ assimilated the importance of language in children 's learning ’ in their training than primary teachers — DES , 1987 : 119 ) .
19 But I think John we should point out that it was , it was only unsuccessful because it turned out not to be a sewerage problem .
20 Before they all consult their lawyers , I should point out that the above conversation is a slight exaggeration .
21 Throughout the Re:Joyce period , I should point out that the evening job continued .
22 I should point out that as one of the copyright libraries of the United Kingdom we are entitled under the terms of the Copyright Act to receive free-of-charge a copy of all United Kingdom publications .
23 In defence of some of my clients in the national museums and galleries , I should point out that , for example , the Victoria and Albert museum has been able to extend its opening hours .
24 Before dealing with the many points raised by right hon. and hon. Members , I propose to say something about Wales but , before doing that , I should point out that I have never in my life before spoken from one doughnut to another .
25 In order to give people more confidence rather than surrounding them with gloom and doom , we should point out that , since 1979 , GDP has risen 22 per cent .
26 In reply to his observations about security , I should point out that in recent weeks the Chief Constable indicated that four out of five terrorist attempts are prevented and interdicted as a result of the work of the security forces .
27 At the outset I should point out that the accounts which are before this meeting are for the year ending 5th April 1992 .
28 First of all I should point out that the Nor the County Council er figure of none thousand seven hundred is actually a figure for local needs plus one hundred percent migration , and if you follow Mr Thomas 's figures that leaves a residual requirement of nine hundred and forty seven dwellings without any windfalls over the next thirteen years , which is quite inconceivable , so in order to establish his point on the need for the new settlement on tha on on his figures , the Bar Mr Grigson of Barton Willmore has to up the figure for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , as set out in his erm paper .
29 Answer guide : The answer should point out that a cost can be incurred which will result in both an asset , i.e. something that has a future benefit , or an expense , i.e. something where the benefit has been used up .
30 I should point out that I included the words ‘ as presently constituted ’ .
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