Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [Wh det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thus if a policeman gives directions to a traveller , a doctor tells a nurse how to administer medicine to a patient , a householder puts in an insurance claim , a shop assistant explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool , or a scientist describes an experiment , in each case it matters that the speaker should make what he says ( or writes ) clear .
2 First , perhaps I should explain what I mean by information technology .
3 Such learning should be reviewed , preferably by the educational supervisor ; doctors should describe what they have learnt and how they intend to apply it .
4 This is one of the reasons why we are saying to the government that they should consider what our competitor countries do , which is some form of temporary credit management ; some form of temporary credit controls to squeeze off this surge in demand before it really gets going and pushes inflation up again .
5 They feel that they should know what they want in a room from the very beginning , and feel incompetent if they can not make up their minds right away .
6 They 're very keen that people should know what they 're doing .
7 What I think should be done at that time was that the Government should be fifty percent shares in it so that anything that 's er sample that 's brought up they should know what it is .
8 There is another possibility that they have n't mentioned because the book has n't come on to deal with it yet , but you should know what it is .
9 Even more important , you should know what you have to offer .
10 When Pietro told us that you were going on the pay-off I felt that you should know what you were getting yourself into . ’
11 We should n't worry , we should enjoy what we have and eh , one .
12 Each country should grow what it can sell best on the international market .
13 ‘ You should watch what you say ! ’
14 After all , if its purpose is professional development and curriculum improvement , there is no reason why schools and teachers should disseminate what they do farther than the bounds of their own school community .
15 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
16 ‘ And therefore we should do whatever your ladyship says ? ’
17 They should do whatever you do .
18 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
19 I 'm doing what I can and I think everybody should do what they can do . ’
20 I think perhaps the most important thing is that voluntary agencies should do what they believe is right , and not allow their own objectives to be distorted , simply because a , of particular flavours , which is why I 'm saying let us grab the agenda and write the agenda , rather than have the agenda set for us by other people .
21 If private capital can be attracted — and I believe it could to the right project — it seems to me entirely right that we should do what we can as Government to create the right climate for a successful link to be built .
22 The man who organized the aircraft to get 1,000 TOWs to Israel in February 1986 ( and 500 TOWs from there to Tehran ) thought that ‘ if the government wanted to establish relations and there were modernists , we should do what we could to assist . ’
23 My Lords , erm i legislation is complex and I agree that we should do what we can to keep a clear er , er to keep it clear and simple if it 's at all possible and erm er I agree though that one needs a fully up-to-date text of the nineteen sixty four Police Act in order to decipher every last dot and comma .
24 Well I think you should do what you feel comfortable at most most you you there again if you saw Vincent playing , he just plays it standing up .
25 My children should do what I say without arguing .
26 You should do what I 've done , cut yourself completely free of him and make a new life for yourself . ’
27 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
28 ‘ I think you should do what he says , ’ said Bridget recklessly .
29 However , I do love him and do n't want to lose him so I feel as though I should do what he says .
30 He did not like an excess of specialization and thought that a university should do what it could to counteract the trend , and help arts undergraduates to learn a bit of science or vice versa .
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