Example sentences of "should [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When your Uncle Jim died , ’ Louise continued , ‘ and I decided to retire up here , it seemed the most natural thing in the world that cousins should want to be close in their widowhood .
2 It 's only natural she should want to be with kids her own age . ’
3 I shall require you to salute me , to speak to me only as vous , and , when you must address me , I should prefer to be called mon colonel . ’
4 If job security is what you seek , then besides setting your agreement down in black and white , you should strive to be well organised , willing to discuss your grievances rather than bottling them up and prepared to react flexibly if circumstances change .
5 So , when I found I wanted to write a book that would reflect a little on whether we should strive to be perfect or settle for the second-best but practical , I realised I would have to have a murder that was in some way imperfect .
6 Your notes , however , should strive to be concise and need to be stripped of unnecessary words .
7 The counsellor should seek to be as warm , supportive and caring as possible .
8 The essay should seek to be an objective discussion ; references to " I " do not lead to that impression .
9 Argument has been addressed to me as to how that sum should fall to be represented in the damages awarded , bearing in mind that it has been substantially discharged by an interim payment and that it will not inure to any log term benefit of the plaintiff .
10 Another criticism he makes is that it has an uneasy relationship with such values as justice which some people should consider to be important in human life .
11 An uneasy feeling that we should wait to be asked back before we repeat an invitation , coupled with the rarity with which we have the energy to entertain , can reduce social intercourse to an annual gesture rather than a matter of maturing friendships .
12 That it should need to be exorcised in that fashion , however , or at all , still leaves it looking potent , richly formative and far from innocent , and the fiction that ultimately emerges from it is ex-academic in much the same sense that it is ex-socialist .
13 The Staff Guide offers advice on this matter and recommends to staff when a module should need to be double marked .
14 Always keep spare tap washers handy and replace the washers regularly — no tap should need to be turned off with force .
15 ‘ Now who you should speak to is … ’
16 One can understand why people at risk should wish to have these things , but not why they should expect to be given them free .
17 A mother may set out some crayons and paper or plasticine while she gets on with the ironing but she should expect to be interrupted and asked for help .
18 In the meantime , we should expect to be surprised very often .
19 ( Related to that view is the naive assumption of certain sociobiologists that sociobiology should expect to be more closely related to social anthropology than to other social sciences , because the ‘ primitive ’ peoples studied by social anthropology are nearer to nature than human beings who live in large industrialized societies . )
20 A measure of the scheme 's effectiveness is that the United Kingdom has the fifth highest drug prices in Europe ( about where we should expect to be ) .
21 ‘ Any man with access to sensitive information , such as Major Maxim , should expect to be put under surveillance purely as a matter of routine .
22 Causing grievous bodily harm to someone now you might say that 's a very serious offence which you should expect to be prosecuted .
23 But the right balance is not something which partners should expect to be able to settle at the outset in such a way as will necessarily be appropriate throughout the life of the firm .
24 The overriding criterion — that the service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate — does not even have to be based on objective grounds ; it is enough that it should appear to be so to the constable making the arrest .
25 That juries and courts should appear to be taking an increasingly lenient view of these acts of retribution is more disturbing again .
26 I 'm not demanding we spend the entire weekend locked in a clinch , ’ Vitor said impatiently when she started to protest , ‘ but we should appear to be on good terms .
27 The intention was that the electors should choose to be governed by persons they recognized as better and wiser than themselves , who might well understand better than the people themselves what their real interests were , and whose decisions the people would therefore accept .
28 The other group of music papers which aspiring acts should look to are those catering to some very specific style and its devoted audience .
29 You should plan to be at your FREELINK pick-up point not later than 15 minutes before scheduled departure .
30 I think I should like to be your wife . ’
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